Second Floor | Exhibit
O. Orkin Insect Zoo
Upcoming Closure
The Butterfly Pavilion and Insect Zoo will be closed for annual maintenance, September 13 through October 5, 2024. These areas will reopen October 6.
Audio Description
Use your own device to take the new Insect Zoo audio description tour.
Did you know?
We've got a 22-million-year-old termite trapped in amber.
See What's Crawling Inside
Did you know?
Kids can climb through a life-size, 14-foot-tall model of an African termite mound!
Spotlight: Tobacco Hornworm Caterpillar
The tobacco hornworm caterpillar, Manduca sexta, likes to feed on tobacco, tomato, and pepper plants. These caterpillars will turn into Carolina sphinx moths, but when they pupate, they do not spin a cocoon; instead they burrow into the soil. This is how they overwinter in colder regions.