
Department of Paleobiology
The Polyglot Paleontologist
Author | Year | Title | Original Title | Journal | Translator | Category |
Novas, F. | 1993 | Diagnosis and phylogeny of the Dinosauria | Diagnosis y filogenia de los Dinosauria | Ameghiniana 30:110 (abstract) | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Pereda-Suberbiola, X. | 1993 | An armored dinosaur (Ornithischia, Ankylosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Laño (Basco-Cantabrique Basin) | Un dinosaure cuirassé (Ornithischia, Ankylosauria) dans le Crétacé supérieur de Laño (Bassin Basco-Cantabrique) | Paleontologia i Evolucio 26-27:231-235 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Peyer, B. | 1931 | The Triassic fauna of the Tessiner Chalk Alps. IV. <i>Ceresiosaurus calcagnii</i> nov. gen. nov. spec. | Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen. IV. Ceresiosaurus calcagnii nov. gen. nov. spec. | Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen Palaeontologischen Gesellschaft Band 51 | R. Zanon (incomplete) | reptiles |
Piveteau, J. | 1926 | Contribution to the study of the lagoonal formations of northwest Madagascar | Contribution a l'étude des formations lagunaires du nord-ouest de Madagascar | Bulletin de la Société Géologique de la France, série 4, 26:33-38 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Powell, J. E. | 1979 | On a dinosaur association and other evidences of Upper Cretaceous vertebrates from the La Candelaria region, Salta Province, Argentina | Sobre una asociacion de dinosaurios y otras evidencias de vertebrados del Cretácico superior de la region de La Candelaria, prov. de Salta, Argentina | Ameghiniana 16(1-2):191-204 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Powell, J. E. | 1980 | On the presence of a dermal armour on some titanosaurid dinosaurs | Sobre la presencia de una armadura dermica en algunos dinosaurios titanosauridos | Acta Geologica Lilloana 15:41-47 | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Powell, J. E. | 1987 | Morphology of the axial skeleton of the titanosaurid dinosaurs (Saurischia, Sauropoda) of Minas Gerais state, Brazil | Morfologia del esqueleto axial del los dinosaurios titanosauridos (Saurischia, Sauropoda) del estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil | Anais do X Congreso Brasiliero de Paleontologia, Rio de Janeiro:155-171 | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Powell, J. E. | 1990 | <i>Epachthosaurus sciuttoi</i> (gen. et sp. nov.) a sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Patagonia (Chubut Province) | Epachthosaurus sciuttoi (gen. et. sp. nov.) un dinosaurio saurópodo del Cretácico de Patagonia (Provincia de Chubut, Argentina) | Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía, Tucumán, Actas 1:123-128 | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Powell, J. E. | 1992 | Osteology of <i>Saltasaurus loricatus</i> (Sauropoda – Titanosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of northwest Argentina | Osteologia de Saltasaurus loricatus (Sauropoda - Titanosauridae) del Cretácico Superior del noroeste Argentino | J. L. Sanz and A. D. Buscalioni (eds.), Los Dinosaurios y Su Entorno Biotico:165-230 | N. M. Ecker & V. Tidwell | dinosaurs |
Rauhut, O. W. M. | 1997 | On the cranial anatomy of <i>Shuvosaurus inexpectatus</i> (Dinosauria; Theropoda) | Zur Schädelanatomie von Shuvosaurus inexpectatus (Dinosauria; Theropoda) | Treffen der deutschsprachigen Palaeoherpetologen, Düsseldorf:17-21 | O. Rauhut | dinosaurs |
Reig, O. | 1963 | The presence of saurischian dinosaurs in the "Ischigualastian Beds" (upper Middle Triassic) of San Juan and La Rioja provinces (Argentine Republic) | La presencia de dinosaurios saurisquios en los "Estratos de Ischigualasto" (Mesotriasico Superior) de las provincias de San Juan y La Rioja (República Argentina) | Ameghiniana 3:3-20 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Reterer, E. & A. Lelievre | 1911 | Cytological phenomena of the tendons of birds in process of ossification | Phenonmenes cytologiques des tendons des oiseaux en voie d'ossification | Soc. Biol. C. R. Seanc. Mem. 71:596-599 | C. Organ | birds |
Rich, T. H. et al. | 1997 | First record of a primitive camarasaurid in Patagonian Gondwana | Primer registro de un camarasaurido primitivo en el Gondwana Patagonica | Ameghiniana 34:540 (abstract) | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Rozhdestvensky, A. K. | 1964 | New data on occurrences of dinosaurs in Kazakhstan and Central Asia | Novye dannye o mestonakhozhdeniyakh dinozavrov na territorii Kazakhstana i Srednei Azii | Tashkentskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Nauchnye trudy: geologiya 234:227-241 | WDP/D. A. Russell | dinosaurs |
Rozhdestvensky, A. | 1965 | Growth changes in Asian dinosaurs and some problems of their taxonomy | Vosractnay ismenchivosty i nekotorie voprosi sistematiki dinosavrov Asii | Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal 1965:95-109 | D. A. Russell | dinosaurs |
Russell, D., D. Russell, P. Taquet, and H. Thomas | 1976 | New collections of vertebrates in the Upper Cretaceous continental terrains of the Majunga region (Madagascar) | Nouvelles récoltés de vértébrés dans le terraines continentaux du Crétacé supérieur de la region de Majunga (Madagascar) | Comptes Rendus de la Societe Geologique de France 1976 (5):205-208 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Rydzewski, W. | 1935 | Studies on the notarium in birds | Études sur le notarium chez les Oiseaux | Acta Ornithologica Musei Zoologici Polonici 1:403-427 | C. Organ | birds |
Salgado, L. and C. Azpilicueta | 2000 | A new saltasaurine (Sauropoda, Titanosauridae) from the Rio Negro province (Allen Formation, Upper Cretaceous), Patagonia, Argentina | Un nuevo saltasaurino (Sauropoda, Titanosauridae) de la provincia de Río Negro (Formacíon Allen, Cretácico Superior), Patagonia, Argentina | Ameghiniana 37(3):259-264 | M. Lamanna | dinosaurs |
Salgado, L. & R. Coria | 1993 | Considerations on the phylogenetic relationships of <i>Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii</i> (Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia | Consideraciones sobre las relaciones filogeneticas de Opisthocoelicaudia skarynskii (Sauropoda) del Cret cico superior de Mongolia | X Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontologia de Vertebrados (abstract) | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Salgado, L. & R. Martinez | 1993 | Phylogenetic relationships of the basal titanosaurids <i>Andesaurus delgadoi</i> and <i>Epachthosaurus</i> sp. | Relaciones filogeneticas de los titanosauridos basales Andesaurus delgadoi y Epachthosaurus sp. | X Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontologia de Vertebrados (abstract) | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Santi, G. | 1991 | Functional bipedalism in some extinct Permo-Triassic reptiles: A possible scale of the grade of efficiency | Il bipedismo funzionale in alcuni rettili estinti permotriassici: una possibile scala del grado di efficienza | Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali (Acta Biologica) 68:267-280 | M. Carrano | reptiles |
Seilacher, A. | 1948 | Another ancient elasmobranch (<i>Phoebodus keuperinus</i> n. sp.) from the Gipskeuper of Wurttemberg | Ein weiterer altertumlicher Elasmobranchier (Phoebodus keuperinus, n.sp.) aus dem wurttembergischen Gipskeuper | Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, Abteilung B, 1948:24 | A. Hungerbuhler | fishes |
Spillman, F. | 1924 | Contributions to the biology of the wing and the way of life of the pterosaurs | Beitrage zur Biologie des Flügels und der Lebensweise der Pterosaurier | Vortrage und Diskussionen auf der Eichstatter Tagung 1924:185-192 | A. C. Benton | |
Stieler, C. | 1922 | New attempt to reconstruct a Liassic Pterosaur | Neuer Rekonstruktionsversuch eines liassischen Flugsauriers | Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift 20:273-280 | A. C. Benton | |
Stromer, E. | 1915 | Results of Prof. E. Stromer's research expedition in the deserts of Egypt. II. Vertebrate remains from the Baharîje Beds (lowermost Cenomanian). 3. The type of the theropod <i>Spinosaurus aegyptiacus</i> nov. gen. nov. spec. | Ergebnisse der Forschung. Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharîje-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 3. Das Orig. des Theropoden Spinosaurus aegyptiacus n. gen. | Abhandlungen der Königlichen Bayerischen Akad.e der Wissen., Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse | R. Zanon | dinosaurs |