
Taking the Smithsonian’s Fossil Halls into the Twenty-First Century (Harvard Museum of Natural History, 2020)
Exploring Smithsonian's Dinosaurs (Smithsonian webinar, 2020)
What Tiny Fossils Explain about Big Dinosaur Ecosystems (Smithsonian Science How?, 2017)
National Fossil Day Livestream (PBS EONS, 2020)
How Did the "Nation's T. rex" Display Come Together? (PBS EONS, 2019)
Smithsonian Museum Wows With Fossils Going Back Billions of Years (Voice of America, 2019)
Inside The Smithsonian’s Newly-Renovated Dinosaur Hall (NBC Today, 2019)
Inside the Smithsonian's Revamped Dinosaur Exhibit (CBS This Morning, 2019)
Smithsonian's New Fossil Hall to Open in June 2019 with Refurbished T. rex (WJLA-ABC News, 2018)
T. rex King Bone Exhibit (Voice of America, 2018)
Jurassic World Panel Discussion (Kennedy Center, 2018)
'Nation's T. rex' Strikes a Rapacious Pose (NPR All Things Considered, 2015)
T. rex Arrives in Washington, DC (National Geographic, 2014)
How to 3D Print A Dinosaur (PBS NewsHour, 2013)
Amateur Dinosaur Tracker Uncovers Some of World's Rarest Fossils (Voice of America, 2012)
Secrets of the Fossil Hall (Smithsonian, 2014)
Dinosaur Hunter: Smithsonian Scientist Matt Carrano (Smithsonian Insider, 2011)
How Paleontologists Identify Dinosaur Teeth (2009)
Reinstating The Brontosaurus And Studying The Smithsonian’s Dinosaurs (Kojo Nnamdi Show, 2015)
America's T. rex Gets a Makeover (NPR Morning Edition, 2014)
A T. Rex Treks To Washington For A Shot At Fame (NPR Morning Edition, 2014)
Dinosaurs: Big Digs And Local Fossil Finds (Kojo Nnamdi Show, 2013)
Regional Dinosaur Finds (Kojo Nnamdi Show, 2010)
Matt Carrano and Barb Natterson-Horowitz Chat Dinosaurs (Visible Voices podcast, 2021)
The Dinosaur War (Smithsonian Sidedoor podcast, 2019)
Dinosaurs in Our Backyard podcast (5 episodes; Smithsonian, 2011)