
Department of Paleobiology
The Polyglot Paleontologist
Author | Year | Title | Original Title | Journal | Translator | Category |
Janensch, W. | 1906 | On <i>Archaeophis proavus</i> Mass., a snake from the Eocene of Monte Bolca | Uber Archaeophis proavus Mass., eine schlange aus dem Eocan des Monte Bolca | Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geologie Oestreich-Ungarns und des Orients 19:1-33 | J. D. Scanlon | reptiles |
Janensch, W. | 1925 | The coelurosaurs and theropods of the Tendaguru Formation, German East Africa | Die Coelurosaurier und Theropoden der Tendaguru-Schichten Deutsch-Ostafrikas | Palaeontographica Supplement VIII (1) (1, 1):1-100 | J. D. Oldroyd | dinosaurs |
Janensch, W. | 1929 | The vertebral column of the genus <i>Dicraeosaurus</i> | Die Wirbelsäule der Gattung Dicraeosaurus | Palaeontographica Supplement VII (1) (2, 1):37-133. | S. Klutzny | dinosaurs |
Janensch, W. | 1947 | Pneumaticity in vertebrae of sauropods and other saurischians | Pneumatizitat bei Wirbeln von Sauropoden und anderen Saurischien | Palaeontographica Supplement VII (3):1-25 | G. Maier | dinosaurs |
Janensch, W. | 1950 | The vertebral column of </i>Brachiosaurus brancai</i> | Die Wirbelsäule von Brachiosaurus brancai | Palaeontographica Supplement VII (1), teil 3, leif 2:31-93 | G. Maier | dinosaurs |
Jensen, A. S. | 1900 [1901] | On <i>Ophiopsiseps nasutus</i> du Bocage and its position in the reptilian system | Om Ophiopsiseps nasutus Du Bocage og dens Stilling i Reptiliernes System | Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjøbenhavn 2:317-328 | K. T. Smith | reptiles |
Ji, Q. et al. | 2002 | Discovery of an Avialae bird from China, <i>Shenzouraptor sinensis</i> gen. et sp. nov. | (in Chinese) | Geological Bulletin of China 21(7):363-369 | W. Downs | birds |
Ji, S. & Q. Ji | 1988 | A new species of pterosaur from Lioaning, <i>Dendrorhynchus curvidentatus</i>, gen. et sp. nov. | [in Chinese] | Jiangsu Geology 22(4):199-206 | W. Downs | |
Ji, X. & Q. Ji | 1996 | Discovery of the earliest fossil bird in China (<i>Sinosauropteryx</i> gen. nov.) and the origin of birds | [in Chinese] | Chinese Geology 233:30-33 | W. Downs | |
Ji, Q. and S. Ji | 1997 | A Chinese archaeopterygian, <i>Protarchaeopteryx</i> gen. nov. | (in Chinese) | Geological Science and Technology (Di Zhi Ke Ji) 238:38-41 | W. Downs | |
Ji, S. & Q. Ji | 1997 | The first discovery of a pterosaur from western Liaoning Province (<i>Eosipterus yangi</i> gen. et sp. nov.) | [in Chinese] | Acta Geologica Sinica 71(1):1-6 | W. Downs | |
Ji, S. & Q. Ji | 1998 | The first Mesozoic frog from China (Amphibia: Anura), <i>Liaobatrachus grabaui</i> gen. et sp. nov. | (in Chinese) | Chinese Geology (Zhong Guo Di Zhi):39-49 | W. Downs | amphibians |
Kaup, J. J. | 1835 | Letter regarding animal tracks from Hildburghausen | Über Tierfährten bei Hildburghausen | Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde 1835:327-328 | E. C. Rainforth | footprints |
Kerourio, P. | 1981 | The distribution of multilayered dinosaur eggshell in the Maastrichtian of southern France | La distribution des coquilles d'oeufs de dinosauriens multistratifiees | Geobios 14(4):533-536 | E. Wolff | dinosaurs |
Khozatzkii, L. I. et al. | 1977 | The ultrastructure of some dinosaurian eggshells on.the basis of data obtained by scanning-electron microscopy | (in Hungarian) | Acta Biologica Debrecina 14:123-135 | (unknown) | dinosaurs |
Klinghardt, F. | 1941 | Observations on pterosaurs | Beobachtungen an Flugsauriern | Paläontologische Zeitschrift 4:250-258 | A. C. Benton | |
Koken, E & H. Linder | 1913 | Osteological notes on <i>Muraenosaurus</i> | Osteologische Notizen über Muraenosaurus | Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 1913(1):101-115. | R. Forrest | reptiles |
Kornhuber, A. | 1893 | <i>Carsosaurus marchesettii</i>, a new fossil lacertilian from the Cretaceous formation of Karst near Komen | Carsosaurus Marchesettii, ein neuer fossiler Lacertilier aus den Kreideschichten des Karstes bei Komen | Abhandlungen der k.k. [kaiserlich-königlichen] geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wein 17(3):1-15 | K. T. Smith | reptiles |
Kornhuber, A. | 1901 | <i>Opetiosaurus bucchichi</i>, a new fossil lizard from the lower Chalk of Lesina in Dalmatia | Opetiosaurus Bucchichi. Eine neue fossile Eidechse aus der unteren Kreide von Lesina in Dalmatien | Abhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien 17(5):1-24 | K. T. Smith | reptiles |
Kornhuber, A. | 1873 | On a new fossil lizard from Lesina | Uber einen neuen fossilen Saurier aus Lesina | Abhandlungen der k. k. geologischen Reichsanstalt 5(4):75-90 | J. D. Scanlon | reptiles |
Kuhn, O. | 1944 | Further lacertilians, particularly Iguanidae, from the Eocene of Geiseltal | Weitere Lacertilier, insbesondere Iguanidae aus dem Eozän des Geiseltales | Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 23(3/4):360-367 | K. T. Smith | reptiles |
Kurzanov, S. M. | 1989 | Origin and evolution of the dinosaur infraorder Carnosauria | O proiskhozhdenii i evolyutsii infraotryada dinozavrov Carnosauria | Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal 1989(4):3-14 | W. R. Welsh | dinosaurs |
Kurzanov, S. M. | 1976 | A new carnosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Nogon-Tsav, Mongolia | Noviy pozdnemelovoy karnozavr is Nogon-Tsava, Mongoliya | The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Transactions 3:93-104 | C. Siskron & S. P. Welles | dinosaurs |
Lapparent, A. F. de & G. Lucas | 1957 | Sauropod dinosaur vertebrae in the middle Callovian of Rhar Rouban (northern Algerian-Moroccan frontier)_x000D_ | Vertèbres de Dinosaurien sauropode dans le Callovien moyen de Rhar Rouban (frontière algéro-marocaine du Nord) | Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire naturelle de l’Afrique du Nord 48:234-236 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Lapparent, A. F. de & V. Stchepinsky | 1968 | The iguanodonts from the Saint-Dizier region (Haute-Marne) | Les Iguanodons de la région de Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne) | Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences à Paris, série D, 266:1370-1372 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |