
Department of Paleobiology
The Polyglot Paleontologist
Author | Year | Title | Original Title | Journal | Translator | Category |
Ginsburg, L. | 1964 | Discovery of a scelidosaurian (ornithischian dinosaur) in the Upper Triassic of Basutoland | Decouverte d'un scelidosaurien (Dinosaure ornithischien) dans le Trias supérieur du Basutoland | Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris 258:2366-2368 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Ginsburg, L. et al. | 1991 | On the Egyptian origin of the domestic cat | Sur l'origine égyptienne du chat domestique | Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, ser. 4, 13sec. C (1-2):107-113 | M. Carrano | synapsids |
Ginsburg, L. | 1961 | Plantigrady and digitigrady in the fissiped carnivorans | Plantigradie et digitigradie chez les Carnivores fissipédes | Mammalia 25:1-21 | M. Carrano | synapsids |
González-Riga, B. J. | 2005 | New fossil remains of <i>Mendozasaurus neguyelap</i> (Sauropoda, Titanosauria) of the Late Cretaceous of Mendoza, Argentina | Nuevos restos fósiles de Mendozasaurus neguyelap (Sauropoda, Titanosauria) del Cretácico Tardío de Mendoza, Argentina | Ameghiniana 42(3):535-548 | M. D'Emic | dinosaurs |
Gorjanovic-Kramberger, C. | 1892 | <i>Aigialosaurus</i>: a new lizard from the Cretaceous slates of the Island of Lesina... | Aigialosaurus: Ein neue Eidechse a.d. Kreideschiefern der Insel Lesina... | Glasnika Hrvatskoga Naravoslovnoga Druztva u Zagrebu 7:74-106 | J. D. Scanlon | reptiles |
He, X. et al. | 1983 | A new pterosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Dashanpu, Zigong, Sichuan | (in Chinese) | Journal of the Chengdu College of Geology 1983(1):27-33 | W. Downs | pterosaurs |
He, X. et al. | 1996 | A new species of sauropod, <i>Mamenchisaurus anyuensis</i> sp. nov. | (in Chinese) | Papers on Geosciences Contributed to the 30th International Geological Congress:83-86 | W. Downs | dinosaurs |
He, Y. et al. | 1998 | A new species of sauropod from the Early Jurassic of Gongxian Co., Sichuan | (in Chinese) | Acta Geologica Sichuan 18(1) | W. Downs | dinosaurs |
He, X. & K. Cai | 1984 | <i>The Middle Jurassic Dinosaurian Fauna from Dashanpu, Zigong, Sichuan. Vol. I: The Ornithopod Dinosaurs</i> | (in Chinese) | Sichuan Scientific and Technological Publishing House: September, 1984 | W. Downs | dinosaurs |
Hemmer, H. | 1971 | Intraspecific differences in relative brain size in the lion (<i>Panthera leo</i> L.) | Intraspezifische Unterschiede der relativen Hirngrösse beim Löwen (Panthera leo L.) | Experientia 27(12):1500-1501. | K. T. Smith | synapsids |
Hoffet, J.-H. | 1942 | Description of some titanosaurian bones from the Senonian | Description de quelques ossements de Titanosauriens du Sénonien du Bas-Laos | Comptes Rendus des Séances du Conseil des Recherches Scientifiques de l'Indochine 1942(1): 49 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Hoffstetter, R. | 1969 | Remarks on the phylogeny and classification of the xenarthral edentates (Mammalia) extant and fossil | Remarques sur la phylogénie et la classification des édentés xénarthres (mammifères) actuels et fossiles | Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, série 2, 41(1):91-103 | P. Adds | synapsids |
Hoffstetter, R. | 1943 | Fossil Varanidae and Necrosauridae | Varanidae et Necrosauridae fossiles | Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 15(3):134-141. | K. T. Smith | reptiles |
Hou, L. | 2000 | <i>Mesozoic Birds of China</i> | (in Chinese) | Phoenix Valley Provincial Aviary of Taiwan | W. Downs | birds |
Hou, L. | 1977 | A primitive pachycephalosaurid from the Cretaceous of Anhui, China, <i>Wannanosaurus yansiensis</i> gen. et sp. nov._x000D_ | (in Chinese) | Vertebrata PalAsiatica 15(3):198-202 | W. Downs | dinosaurs |
Hourcq, V. | 1939 | Explanatory note on the Mahabo sheet FG. 50-51 (504). Geologic reconnaissance map 1:200,000 scale | Notice explicative sur la feuille Mahabo, FG. 50-51 (504). Carte géologique de reconnaissance à l’échelle du 200.000 | Gouvernement Général de Madagascar et Dépendances, Tananarive | M. Carrano | geology |
Hu, S. | 1993 | A short report on the occurrence of <i>Dilophosaurus</i> from Jinning County, Yunnan Province | (in Chinese) | Vertebrata PalAsiatica 31(1):65-69 | W. Downs | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1906 | On the occiput of <i>Megalosaurus bucklandi</i> from Stonesfield | Über das Hinterhaupt von Megalosaurus bucklandi aus Stonesfield | Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 1906(I):1-12 | M. Benton | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1906 | On the Dinosauria of the extra-European Triassic | Über die Dinosaurier der Aussereuropaïschen Trias | Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen (n. s.) VIII:97-156 | M. Benton | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1900 | Devonian fish remains from the Eifel | Devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel | Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1900 (I): 64-66 | M. Benton | fishes |
Huene, F. v. | 1901 | Short Paleontological Contributions No. 3: The probable dermal armor of <i>Compsognathus longipes</i> Wagn. | Kleine Palaontologische Mitteilungen No. 3: Der Vermutliche Hautpanzer des Compsognathus longipes Wagn. | Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 1901 (1):157-160 | M. Benton | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1901 | Preliminary Report on the Triassic Dinosauria of the European continent | Vorlaufiger Bericht uber die Triassischen Dinosaurier des Eurpaischen continents | Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1901 (II):89-104 | M. Benton | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1901 | Notes from the Woodwardian Museum in Cambridge | Notizen aus dem Woodwardian-Museum in Cambridge | Centralblatt fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1901:715-719 | M. Benton | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1929 | A brief survey of the Saurischia and their natural context | Kurze Übersicht über die Saurischia und ihre natürlichen Zusammenhänge | Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 11:269-273 | O. Rauhut | dinosaurs |
Huene, F. v. | 1960 | A large pseudosuchian from the Orenburg Trias | Ein grosser Pseudosuchier aus der Orenburger Trias | Palaeontographica Abteilung A 114:105-111 | J. W. Noble | reptiles |