
Department of Paleobiology
The Polyglot Paleontologist
Author | Year | Title | Original Title | Journal | Translator | Category |
Bonaparte, J. F. | 1975 | New materials of <i>Lagosuchus talampayensis</i> Romer (Thecodontia - Pseudosuchia) and its significance on the origin of the Saurischia, Lower Cha?ares, Middle Triassic of Argentina | Nuevos materiales de Lagosuchus talampayensis Romer (Thecodontia - Pseudosuchia) y su significado en el origen de los Saurischia, Cha?arense Inferior, Triasico Medio de Argentina | Acta Geologica Lilloana 13:5-90 | M. Carrano | |
Bonaparte, J. F. | 1978 | <i>Coloradia brevis</i> n. g. et n. sp. (Saurischia - Prosauropoda), a plateosaurid from the Upper Triassic Los Colorados Formation of La Rioja, Argentina | Coloradia brevis n. g. et n. sp. (Saurischia - Prosauropoda), dinosaurio Plateosauridae de la Formacion Los Colorados, Triasico Superior de La Rioja, Argentina | Ameghiniana 15:327-332 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. | 1986 | The dinosaurs (carnosaurs, allosaurids, sauropods, cetiosaurids) from the Middle Jurassic of Cerro C?ndor (Chubut, Argentina) | Les dinosaures (Carnosaures, Allosaurid? Sauropodes, C?saurid? du Jurassique Moyen de Cerro C?ndor (Chubut, Argentina) | Annales de Pal?tologie (Vert.-Invert.) 72:247-289 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. | 1986 | The dinosaurs (carnosaurs, allosaurids, sauropods, cetiosaurids) from the Middle Jurassic of Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentina) | Les dinosaures (Carnosaures, Allosauridés, Sauropodes, Cétosauridés) du Jurassique Moyen de Cerro Cóndor (Chubut, Argentina) | Annales de Paleontologie (Vert.-Invert.) 72 (4):325-386 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. | 1999 | Evolution of the presacral vertebrae in Sauropodomorpha | Evolución de las vértebras presacras en Sauropodomorpha | Ameghiniana 36(2):115-187 | S. Apesteguía | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. & G. Bossi | 1967 | On the presence of dinosaurs in the Pirgua Formation of the Salta Group and their chonologic significance | Sobre la presencia de dinosaurios en la Formación Pirgua del Grupo Salta y su significado cronologico | Acta Geologica Lilloana 9:25-44 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. & R. A. Coria | 1993 | A new and huge titanosaur sauropod from the Río Limay Formation (Albian-Cenomanian) of Neuquén Province, Argentina | Un nuevo y gigantesco sauropodo titanosaurio de la Formacion Río Limay (Albiano-Cenomaniano) de la provincia del Neuquén, Argentina | Ameghiniana 30(3):271-282 | M. Lamanna | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. & Z. Gasparini | 1979 | The sauropods of the Neuquén and Chubut Groups, and their chronological relationships | Los saurópodos de los grupos Neuquén y Chubut, y sus relaciones cronologicas | Actas del VII Congreso Geológico Argentino, Neuquén 2:393-406 | J. A. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. & F. E. Novas | 1985 | Abelisaurus comahuensis, n.g., n.sp., Carnosauria from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia | Abelisaurus comahuensis, n.g., n.sp., Carnosauria del Crétacico Tardio de Patagonia | Ameghiniana 21:259-265 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. & J. Pumares | 1995 | Notes on the first skull and jaws of <i>Riojasaurus incertus</i> (Dinosauria, Prosauropoda, Melanorosauridae) from the Late Triassic of La Rioja, Argentina | Notas sobre el primer craneo de Riojasaurus incertus (Dinosauria, Prosauropoda, Melanosauridae) del Triasico superior de La Rioja, Argentina | Ameghiniana 32 341-349 | J. Wilson | dinosaurs |
Bonaparte, J. F. & M. Vince | 1979 | Discovery of the first nest of Triassic dinosaurs (Saurischia, Prosauropoda) from the Upper Triassic of Patagonia, Argentina | El hallazgo del primer nido de dinosaurios triasicos, (Saurischia, Prosauropoda), Triásico superior de Patagonia, Argentina | Ameghiniana 16(1-2):173-182 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Boonstra, L. D. | 1952 | The gorgonopsian genus <i>Hipposaurus</i> and the family Ictidorhinidae | Die gorgonopsiër-geslag, Hipposaurus, en die familie, Ictidorhinidae | Tydstrif vir Wetenskap en Kuns 12:142-149 | C. A. Sidor & B. S. Rubidge | synapsids |
Borissiak, A. A. | 1923 | On the remains of Anthracotheriidae from the <i>Indricotherium</i>-strata | Sur les restes d'Anthracotheriidae des couches à Indicotherium [in Russian] | Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg 17(6):103-110 | R. H. Ruzich | synapsids |
Borissiak, A. A. | 1928 | The next task of Russian paleontology | [In Russian] | Priroda 4:369-383 | [unknown] | |
Boule, M. | 1900 | Note on several fossils from Madagascar recently brought to the Laboratory of Paleontology | Note sur quelques fossiles de Madagascar parvenus récemment au laboratoire de Paléontologie | Bulletin du Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle à Paris 6:201 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Boule, M. | 1896 | Preliminary note on the dinosaur remains brought to the Museum by Mr. Bastard | Note preliminaire sur les debris de Dinosauriens envoyes au Museum par M. Bastard | Bulletin du Museum d'Histore Naturelle de Paris II:347-351 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bouvrain, G. & D. Geraads | 1985 | A complete skeleton of <i>Bachitherium</i> (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Cereste (Alps of Haute-Provence). Notes on the systematics of the primitive ruminants | Un squelette complet de Bachitherium (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) de l_x0019_Oligocene de Cereste (Alpes de Haute-Provence). Remarques sur la systematique des Ruminants primitifs | Comptes Rendus de l_x0019_Academie des Sciences à Paris, série II, 300(2):75-78 | J. Duran | synapsids |
Brandes, T. | 1912 | Plesiosaurs from the Lower Lias of Halberstadt | Plesiosauriden aus dem Unteren Lias von Halberstadt | Paläontographica 61:41-56 | R. Forrest | reptiles |
Broili, F. | 1925 | A <i>Pterodactylus</i> with remains of flight membrane | Ein Pterodactylus mit Resten der Flughaut | Sitz. der Bayerischen Konig. Akad. der Wissen., Math.-Physic. Classe 1925:23-32 | A. C. Benton | |
de Broin, F. d. L. & M. S. de la Fuente | 1999 | Particularities of the continental turtle fauna of the Cretaceous of Argentina | Particularidades de la fauna continental de tortugas del Cretácico de Argentina | Ameghiniana 36(1):104 | M. Lamanna | reptiles |
de Broin, F. & B. Pironon | 1980 | Discovery of a dermochelyid turtle in the Miocene of south-central Italy (eastern Matese Mountains), Benevento Province | Découverte d’une tortue dermochélyidée dans le Miocène d’Italie centro-méridionale (Matese oriental), Province de Benevento | Rivista Italiana Paleontologica 86(3):589-604 | J. Duran | reptiles |
Bruner, J. | 1997 | The "megatooth" shark, <i>Carcharodon megalodon</i>. "rough toothed, huge toothed | El Tiburón "Megadiente" Carcharodon megalodon "De dientes duros y enormes | Mundo Marino Revista Internacional de Vida Marina Sept-Oct 1997(5):6-11. | J. Bruner | fishes |
Buckland, W. | 1828 | Note on the tortoise traces seen in the Red Sandstone | Note sur des traces de Tortues observées dans le grès rouge | Annales des Sciences Naturelles 13:85-86 | E. C. Rainforth | |
Buffetaut, E. et al. | 1985 | Biostratigraphic zonation and new vertebrate remains in the "Sables de Glos" (upper Oxfordian, Normandy) | Zonation biostratigraphique et nouveaux restes de Vertébrés dans les "Sables de Glos" (Oxfordien supérieur, Normandie) | Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris, Série II 300(18):929-932 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Buffetaut, E. et al. | 1991 | A jaw fragment of <i>Megalosaurus</i> in the upper Callovian of the Vaches Noires (Calvados, France) | Un fragment de mâchoire de Megalosaurus dans le Callovien supérieur des Vaches Noires (Calvados, France) | Revue de Paléobiologie 10(2):379-387 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |