
Department of Paleobiology
The Polyglot Paleontologist
Author | Year | Title | Original Title | Journal | Translator | Category |
Bannikov, A. F. | 1991 | A new family of Oligocene perciform fishes | (in Russian) | Paleontological Journal 25(4):88-94 | T. Marss | fishes |
Bannikov, A. F. | 1981 | Systematic position, composition, and origin of the Family Scombridae | Sistematicheskoye polozheniya sostav i proiskhozhdenikye semeystva Scombridae | Voprosy Ikhtiologii 21:200-208 | unknown | fishes |
Barabash-Nikiforov, J. I. | 1936 | Pinnipeds of the Commander Islands | Lastonogie Komandorskikh | Pp. 223-237 in S. V. Dorofeev & S. J. Freimann (eds.), The Marine Mammalia of the USSR Far East | G. Mares | synapsids |
Barabash-Nikiforov, J. I. | 1938 | The sea otter and stages in its investigation | Morskaya vydra I etapy ee izucheniya | Priroda 1938(2):51-61 | W. E. Ricker | synapsids |
Barsbold, R. & A. Perle | 1979 | Modifications in the saurischian pelvis and the parallel development of predatory dinosaurs | Modiphikatsiy tasa sayrisziy i parallelinoe rasvitie zishchnich dinosavrov | Transactions of the Joint Soviet Mongolian Paleontological Expedition 8:39-44 | W. R. Welsh | dinosaurs |
Barsbold, R. | 1977 | On the evolution of predatory dinosaurs | O evolutsiy chishcheich dinosavrov | Transactions of the Joint Soviet Mongolian Paleontological Expedition 4:48-56 | W. R. Welsh | dinosaurs |
Barsbold, R. | 1981 | Toothless dinosaurs of Mongolia | [in Russian] | Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Expedition15:28-39 | C. Siskron and S. P. Welles | dinosaurs |
Barsbold, R. | 1983 | Carnivorous dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia | Khishchnye dinosavry mela Mongoliy | Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition 19:5-119 | C. Siskron & S. P. Welles | dinosaurs |
Barsbold, R. | 1988 | The bony crest and helmet on the skull of predatory dinosaurs_x0014_oviraptors | [In Russian] | Transactions of the Joint Soviet Mongolian Paleontological Expedition 34:77-80 | W. R. Welsh | dinosaurs |
Barsbold, R. | 1977 | Kineticism and peculiarities in the maxillary structure of oviraptorids (Theropoda, Saurischia) | Kinetizi i osobennosti stroeniy chelyustnogo apparata u oviraptorov (Theropoda, Saurischia) | The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Transactions 4:37-47 | W. R. Welsh | dinosaurs |
Belikov, S. E. et al. | 1984 | Distribution and migrations of some pinnipeds, cetaceans, and the polar bear in the seas of the eastern region of the Arctic | [in Russian] | Pp. 233-252 in A. V. Iablokov (ed.), Morskie Mlekopitayushie | F. H. Hay & B. A. Fay | synapsids |
Belkin, A. N. | 1966 | Summer distribution, stocks, prospects for commercial utilization, and certain features of the biology of sea lions inhabiting the Kurile Islands | Letnee raspredelenie, zapasy, perspektivy promysla I nekotorye cherty biologii sivucha, obitayushchego na Kuril'skikh ostrovakh | Izvestiya Tikhookeanskogo N. I. Instituta Rybnogo Khozyaistva I Okeanografii (TINRO) 58:69-95 | Translation Bureau, Fisheries Research Board of Canada | synapsids |
Belkovich, V. N. & A. V. Yablokov | 1960 | First All-Union Conference on the study of marine mammals | Pervoe Vsesoiyutznoe Soveshchanie po Izucheniyu Morskykh Mlekopitayushchykh | Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 39(7):1119_x0013_1120 | D. E. Sergeant | synapsids |
Belkovich, V. N. & A. V. Yablokov | 1961 | Among the walruses | [in Russian] | Priroda (Moscow) 1961(3):50_x0013_56 | F. H. Hay & B. A. Fay | synapsids |
Benedetto, J. L. | 1973 | Herrerasauridae, a new family of Triassic saurischians | Herrerasauridae, nueva familia de saurisquios triasicos | Ameghiniana 10(1):89-102 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bernhardi, R. | 1834 | (letter on Hildburghausen and Dumfriesshire tracks) | [untitled] | Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde 1834:641-642 | E. C. Rainforth | footprints |
Bernier, P., G. Barale, J.-P. Bourseau, E. Buffetaut, G. Demathieu, C. Gaillard, J.-C. Gall, & S. Wenz | 1984 | Discovery of trackways of hopping dinosaurs in the lithographic limestones of Cerin (Upper Kimmeridgian, Ain, France): paleoecological implications | Découverte de pistes de dinosaures sauteurs dans les calcaires lithographiques de Cerin (Kimmeridgian Superieur, Ain, France): implications paleoecologiques | Geobios, Mémoire Speciale 8:177-185 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bertini, R. J. | 1996 | Bertini 1996.pdf | Evidéncias de Abelisauridae (Carnosauria: Saurischia) do Neocretáceo da Bacia do Paraná | Boletim do 4o Simposio sobre o Cretaceo do Brasil:267-271 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Berzin, A. A., et al. | 1963 | Was Steller_x0019_s sea cow exterminated? | Ischezla li Stellerova korova? | Priroda 52(8):73-75 | W. E. Ricker | synapsids |
Berzin, A. A. | 1959 | On the feeding of sperm whales (<i>Physeter catodon</i>) in the Bering Sea | [in Russian] | Izv. Tikhookean. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Rybn. Khoz. Okeanogr. (TINRO) 47:161-165 | L. V. Sagen | synapsids |
Berzin, A. A. & A. A. Rovnin | 1966 | The distribution and migration of whales in the northeastern part of the Pacific, Chukchi, and Bering Seas | [in Russian] | Iszv. Tikhookean. Nauchno. Issled. Inst. Ryb. Khoz. Okeanogr. 58:179-208 | synapsids | |
Bidar, A. et al. | 1972 | <i>Compsognathus corallestris</i>, a new species of theropod dinosaur from the Portlandian of Canjuers (southeast France) | Compsognathus corallestris, nouvelle espece de dinosaurien theropode du Portlandien de Canjuers (sud-est de la France) | Annales du Muséum d_x0019_Histoire Naturelle de Nice 1:1-34 | M. Carrano | dinosaurs |
Bogachev, V. V. | 1940 | The discovery of a new marine mammal in the Apsheron stage near Baku | [in Russian] | Priroda 1940:94 | C. Bake | synapsids |
Bogolyenboff [Bogolubow], N. N. | 1912 | The occurrence of <i>Elasmosaurus</i> and <i>Polycotylus</i> in Russian deposits | Sur la présence de l'Elasmosaurus et du Polycotylus dans les dépots de la Russie | Yezregodneek Geologhee i Meeneraloghee Rossiee 14:174-176 | W. Wist | reptiles |
Bolkay, St. J. | 1925 | <i>Mesophis nopcsai</i> n. g., n. sp., a new, snakelike reptile from the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) of Bilek-Selista (East Hercegovina) | Mesophis nopcsai n. g., n. sp., ein neues, schlangenahnliches Reptil aus der unteren Kreide (Neocom) von Bilek-Selista (Ost-Hercegovina) | Glasnika Zemaljskog Mujeza u Bosni i Hercegovini 27:125-126 | J. D. Scanlon | reptiles |