
Specimen Loans
As much as possible, we encourage researchers to study our collection on-site. At the same time, we understand that a visit may not always be practical. Under special circumstances such as these, we will consider a specimen loan.
Specimens are loaned only for scientific research. Specimens are not loaned for teaching, nonscientific illustration, decoration or for personal or commercial use. 
Loans are made only to institutions and in care of a permanent staff member who assumes full responsibility for the use, storage, and safe, timely return of borrowed material. Loan requests from students and non-permanent staff must be co-signed by their major professor or other professional staff member, who thereby assumes full responsibility for the loan.
Due to historically low staffing levels in the Division of Mammals, after September 1, 2024, we will only be able to process a limited number of the many requests we receive in any given month. We regret that we will only be able to respond to successful applicants, so non-response within a month signifies non-acceptance.