Destructive Analysis
The Division of Mammals considers requests from researchers wishing to destructively sample specimens. Activities classified as destructive include the dissection of fluid preserved specimens, the removal of subsamples from integument and bone (e.g. hair, skin, osteocrusts), the sectioning of teeth and bones, removal of parasites, embryos, stomach contents, etc. Due to historically low staffing levels in the Division of Mammals, after September 1, 2024, we will only be able to process a limited number of the many requests we receive in any given month. We regret that we will only be able to respond to successful applicants, so non-response within a month signifies non-acceptance.
The NMNH grants destructive sampling requests with the understanding that they are loans, and as with all loans, they are made to institutions, not individuals. For this reason requests from students must be cosigned with or submitted by a faculty member (and preferably the advisor) accepting responsibility for the loan.
If you are requesting tissues from morphological specimens for sequence data, please check to see if frozen tissues are available first (see online catalog).
Please review details of our Tissue and Destructive Sampling Policy before submitting your request form.