Igor Krupnik
Chair of Anthropology and Curator of Circumpolar EthnologyDepartment / Division
- Ph.D., Moscow Institute of Ethnography
- M.A., University of Moscow
Research Interests
Arctic ethnology, indigenous knowledge, social systems, modern cultures; Arctic environment and climate change; cultural heritage and heritage preservation; history of Arctic/North Pacific ethnological research
Journal Article
- Huntington, Henry P., Krupnik, Igor, and Ikuta, Hiroko. 2023. "George Noongwook (1949-2023)." Arctic, 76, (2) 239–242.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2022. "Faces We Remember: Assessing Visual Memory Depth among the Yupik of Chukotka and St. Lawrence Island." Etudes/Inuit/Studies, 45, (1-2) 63–91.
- National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Krupnik, Igor I., and Oparin, Dmitri. 2022. "Ainana: from "Ethnographers' Friend" to Partner to National Symbol." Etnografia, 3, (17) 220–246.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2021. "Competing Arctic Paths: Cohort Assessment of the Fifth Thule Expedition Legacy." Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 19, (1-2) 91–106.
- Harper, Kenn and Krupnik, Igor. 2021. "From Greenland to the Pacific: Introduction to the Fifth Thule Expedition Centennial, 1921-1924." Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 19, (1-2) 6–22.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2020. "Michael Krauss, 1934-2019: Linguist, Humanist, and a Pioneer for Better World." Etudes/Inuit/Studies, 43, (1-2) 331–335.
- Schultz, Martin and Krupnik, Igor. 2020. "Dispersal and Reunion: The Saga of the "Vega" Expedition Chukchi Collection, 1878-2000." Archiv Weltmuseum Wien, 69 106–137.
- Gredig, Florian, Krupnik, Igor, and Schultz, Martin. 2019. "Arctic Riches Revealed in Swiss Museum Ethnographic Collections." Kunst & Kontext, 17 23–33.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2019. "In Search of Changing Tradition (Making of the First Volume of the Handbook of North American Indians Series)." Etnografia (in Russian), 3, (5) 193–212.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2019. "From Greenland to the Pacific: New International Program for the Centennial of the 5th Thule Expedition, 1921-1924." Arkheologiia Arktiki (Arctic Archaeology), in Russian, 6 178–188.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2018. "'Arctic Crashes:' Revisiting the Human-Animal Disequilibrium Model in a Time of Rapid Change." Human Ecology, 1–16.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2018. "Sea Ice as Aboriginal Cultural Scape (in Russian)." Heritage and Modernity (Nasledie i Sovremennost'), 1, (4 (December)) 73–94.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "Siberian Yupik Names for Birds: What Can Bird Names Tell Us about Language and Knowledge Transitions?" Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 41, (1-2) 179.
- Ray, G. C., Hufford, Gary L., Overland, James E., Krupnik, Igor, McCormick-Ray, Jerry, Frey, Karen, and Labunski, Elizabeth. 2016. "Decadal Bering Sea seascape change: consequences for Pacific walruses and indigenous hunters." Ecological Applications, 26, (1) 24–41.
- Eicken, Hajo, Kaufman, Mette, Krupnik, Igor, Pulsifer, Peter, Apangalook, Leonard, Apangalook, Paul, Weyapuk, Winton, and Leavitt, Joe. 2014. "A framework and database for community sea ice observations in a changing Arctic: an Alaskan prototype for multiple users." Polar Geography, 37, (1) 5–27.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2014. "Sergei Bogojavlensky and his legacy in Alaska Sociocultural Research." Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 12, (1) 25–52.
- Krupnik, Igor, Bogoslovskaya, L. S., Vdovin, B. I., Golbtseva, V. V., Kalyuzhina, N. I., and Nuvano, V. I. 2014. "Project SIKU in Eastern Chukotka, 2007-2013: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in the Era of Global Change." Ecological Planning and Management, 2, (15) 72–88.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2012. "The 50-Year arctic career of Ernest S. Burch, Jr.: A personal ethnohistory, 1960–2010." Arctic anthropology, 49, (2) 10–28.
- Krupnik, Igor and Pratt, Kenneth L. 2012. "Introduction: In the Footsteps of a Giant." Arctic Anthropology, 49, (2) 5–9.
- Krupnik, Igor and Stern, Richard O. 2012. "Remembering Ernest S. "Tiger" Burch, Jr., 17 April 1938 to 16 September 2010." Ethnology, 59, (1) 163–169.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "'How many Eskimo words for ice?' Collecting Inuit sea ice terminologies in the International Polar Year 2007-2008." Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 55, (1) 56–68.
- Fitzhugh, William W., Krupnik, Igor, and Muller-Wille, Ludger. 2010. "Laying the Groundwork for Arctic Social Science 1985-1990." Northern Notes: Newsletter of the Arctic Social Science Association, 18–20.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2009. ""The Ice We Want Our Children to Know": SIKU Project in Alaska and Siberia." Alaska Park Science, 8, (2) 122–127.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2008. "Socio-Cultural field in IPY 2007-2008: History, Structure, Major Topics (in Russian)." Ekologicheskoe planirovanie i upravlenie (Ecological Planning and Management), 3-4, (8-9) 6–22.
- Krupnik, Igor and Chlenov, Mikhail. 2008. "The end of "Eskimo Land": Yupik relocations in Chukotka, 1958-1959." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 31, (1-2) 59–81.
- Ray, G. Carleton, Hufford, Gary L., Krupnik, Igor, and Overland, James E. 2008. "Diminishing sea ice." Science, 321, (5895) 1443–1444.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2007. "Progress Report on International Polar Year 2007–2008: How Are We Doing?" Northern Notes (Newsletter of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association), 4-9.
- Krupnik, Igor and Bogoslovskaya, L. S. 2007. "Arctic people and climate change: SIKU project in Beringia (in Russian)." Ecological Planning and Management, 4, (5) 77–84.
- Krupnik, Igor and Ray, G. Carleton. 2007. "Pacific walruses, indigenous hunters, and climate change: Bridging scientific and indigenous knowledge." Deep-Sea Research. Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54, (23-26) 2946–2957.
- Hovelsrud, G. K. and Krupnik, Igor. 2006. "IPY 2007-08 and Social/Human Sciences: An Update." Arctic, 59, (3) 241–248.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2006. "We have seen these warm weathers before. Indigenous observations, archaeology, and the modelling of Arctic climate change." PNM, Publications from the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology and History, 10 11–21.
- Krupnik, Igor and Mikhailova, E. 2006. "Landscapes, faces, and Memories: Eskimo Photography of Aleksandr Forshtein, 1927-1929." Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 4, (1-2) 92–113.
- Krupnik, Igor and Mikhailova, E. 2006. "Landscapes, Faces, and Stories: Aleksandr Forshtein's Eskimo Photographs, 1927-1929 (in Russian)." Antropologicheskii Forum, 5, (4) 188–219.
- Mason, O. K., Krupnik, Igor, and Csonka, Y. 2006. "Introduction: Scholarship and Legacy of the "Bering Strait Universe"." Alaska Journal of Anthropology, 4, (1-2) 6–17.
- Dorais, J. and Krupnik, Igor. 2005. "Introduction: Preserving languages and knowledge of the North." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 29, (1-2) 17–30.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2005. ""When our words are put to paper." Heritage documentation and reversing knowledge shift in the Bering Strait region." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 29, (1-2) 67–90.
- Krupnik, Igor, Bravo, M., Csonka, Y., Hovelsrud-Broda, G., Muller-Wille, L., Poppel, B., Schweitzer, P., and Sorlin, S. 2005. "Social Sciences and Humanities in the International Polar year 2007-2008: An Integrating Mission." Arctic, 58, (1) 91–97.
- Huntington, H., Callaghan, T., Fox, S., and Krupnik, Igor. 2004. "Matching Traditional and Scientific Observations to Detect Environmental Change: A Discussion on Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems." Ambio, 13 18–23.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2004. "Knowledge Repatriation: Anthropologists Share Cultural Resources with Beringia Native Communities. In: Beringia. Northern Expanses/Severnye Prostory. 2004, no.1-2, pp.66-68." Beringia, (1-2) 66–68.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2003. "Fourth International Polar Year." Northern Notes (Newsletter of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association, IASSA), Fall 6–7.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2002. "Shifting Patterns, Lasting Partnerships. Inuit Knowledge and Academic Science in Arctic Cultural Research." Inussuk, Arctic Research Journal, (2) 55–74.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. "Review: Franz Boas among the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883–1884 (Ludger Muller- Wille, ed.)." Polar Record, 36, (196) 57–58.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. "Reindeer pastoralism in modern Siberia: research and survival during the time of crash." Polar Research, 19, (1) 49–56.
- Krupnik, Igor and Vakhtin, Nikolay. 1997. "Indigenous Knowledge in Modern Culture: Siberian Yupik Ecological Legacy in Transition." Arctic Anthropology, 34, (1) 236–252.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1996. "Aleksandr I. Pika." Arctic Anthropology, 33, (1) 155–156.
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W. 1995. "In memoriam: Richard Guy Condon." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 19, (2) 101–104.
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W. 1995. "In memoriam Richard Guy Condon." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 19, (2) 101–104.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1994. "'Siberians' in Alaska: The Siberian Eskimo Contribution to Alaskan Population Recoveries." Études Inuit. Inuit Studies, 18, (1-2) 49–80.
- Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 2022. Handbook of North American Indians Volume 1: Introduction. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. Sturtevant, William C. Handbook of North American Indians, 1.
- Roue, Marie, Nakashima, Douglas, and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 2022. Resilience through Knowledge Co-Production. Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO.
- Krupnik, Igor and Crowell, Aron, editors. 2020. Arctic Crashes: People and Animals in the Changing North. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Nakashima, Douglas, Krupnik, Igor, and Rubis, Jennifer, editors. 2018. Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO Publishing. In Local and Indigenous Knowledge - UNESCO, 2.
- Krupnik, Igor, editor. 2016. Early Inuit studies: themes and transitions, 1850s-1980s. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Bogoslovskaia, Liudmila Sergeevna, Slugin, Ivan V., Zagrebin, Igor, Krupnik, Igor, Bell, Marina, and Mason, Rachel. 2016. Maritime Hunting Culture of Chukotka: Traditions and Modern Practices. Anchorage: National Park Service, Shared Beringian Heritage Program.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. Those Who Face the Sea: In Memory of Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya (in Russian). Moscow: August Borg.
- Bogoslovskaya, L. S. and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 2013. Nashi l'dy, snega i vetry (Our Ice, Snow and Winds. Indigenous and Academic Knowledge of Ice-Scapes ad Climate of Eastern Chukotka) - in Russian. Moscow: Russian Hertiage Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor and Chlenov, Michael A. 2013. Yupik transitions: change and survival at Bering Strait, 1900-1960. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
- Weyapuk, Winton and Krupnik, Igor. 2012. Kinikmi Sigum Qanuq Ilitaavut, Wales Inupiaq Sea Ice Dictionary. Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor, Allison, I., Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, V., and Sarukhanian, E. , editors. 2011. Underatanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor and Kaneshiro, Vera Oovi , editors. 2011. Faces We Remember/Neqamikegkaput. Leuman M. Waugh's Photography from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, 1929–1930. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center and Smithsonian Institution Schoraly Press. In Contributions to circumpolar anthropology, 9..
- Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, Gearheard, Shari, Laidler, Gita J., and Kielsen Holm, Lene , editors. 2010. SIKU: knowing our ice : documenting Inuit sea ice knowledge and use. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Krupnik, Igor and Jolly, Deana, editors. 2010. The Earth Is Faster Now. Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change
. 2nd reprint with new Preface ed. Fairbanks: ARCUS. - Krupnik, Igor, Lang, Michael A., and Miller, Scott E., editors. 2009. Smithsonian at the poles: contributions to International Polar Year science. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- Allison, Ian, Béland, Michel, Alverson, Keith, Bell, Robin, Carlson, David, Cutler, Paul, Danell, Kjell, Ellis-Evans, Cynan, Fahrback, Eberhard, Hovelsrud, Grete, Huber, Johannes, Kotlyakov, Vladimir, Krupnik, Igor, Lopez-Martinez, Jerónimo, Tillmann, Mohr, Odmark, Helena, Qin, Dahe, Volker, Rachold, Rapley, Chris, Odd, Rogne, Sarukhanian, Eduard, Summerhayes, Colin, and Yamanouchi, Takashi. 2009. The state of polar research: A statement from the International Council for Science/World Meteorological Organization Joint Committee for the International Polar Year 2007-2008. World Meteorological Organization.
- Allison, Ian, Beland, Michel, Alverson, Keith, Bell, Robin, Carlson, David, Danell, Kjell, Ellis-Evans, Cynan, Fahrbach, Eberhard, Fanta, Edith, Fujii, Yoshiyuki, Glaser, Gisbert, Goldfarb, Leah, Hovelsrud, Grete, Huber, Johannes, Kotlyakov, Vladimir, Krupnik, Igor, Lopez-Martinez, Jeronimo, Mohr, Tillmann, Qin, Dahe, Rachold, Volker, Rapley, Chris, Rogne, Odd, Sarukhanian, Eduard, Summerhayes, Colin, and Xiao, Cunde. 2007. The Scope of Science for the International Polar Year 2007–2008. WMO/TD 1364. Geneva: World Meteorological Organization.
- Bogoslovskaya, L. S., Slugin, I., Zagrebin, I., and Krupnik, Igor. 2007. Osnovy morskogo zveroboinogo promysla [Marine Mammal Hunting: Scientific and Practical Handbook]. Moscow: Russian Institute of Cultural Heritage.
- Krupnik, Igor, Mason, Rachel, and Horton, Tonia W., editors. 2004. Northern ethnographic landscapes : perspectives from circumpolar nations. Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution in collaboration with the National Park Service. In Contributions to circumpolar anthropology, v. 6.
- Krupnik, Igor, Mason, Rachel, and Horton, Tonia, editors. 2004. Northern Ethnographic Nations. Perspectives from Circumpolar Nations. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution.
- Ozeeva, Conrad, Noongwook, Chester, Noongwook, George, Alowa, C., and Krupnik, Igor. 2004. Watching Ice and Weather Our Way//Sikumengllu Eslamengllu Esghapalleghput, Krupnik, Igor, Huntington, Henry, Koonooka, Chris, and Noongwook, George, editors. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center.
- Kendall, Laurel and Krupnik, Igor. 2003. Constructing Cultures Then and Now: Celebrating Franz Boas and the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology, 4. Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor and Kendall, Laurel. 2003. Constructing cultures then and now 4 (2003).
- Krupnik, Igor and Jolly, Dyanna, editors. 2002. The Earth Is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change. Fairbanks, Alaska: ARCUS.
- Krupnik, Igor, Krutak, Lars F., and Metcalf, Vera. 2002. Akuzilleput igaqullghet = Our words put to paper : sourcebook in St. Lawrence Island heritage and history. Washington. D.C.: Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W., editors. 2001. Gateways : exploring the legacy of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897-1902. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. In Contributions to circumpolar anthropology, v. 1..
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W. 2001. Gateways 1. Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W. 2001. Gateways: Exploring the Legacy of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. Pust' govoriat nashi stariki. Rasskazy aziatskikh eskimosov-yupik (Let Our Elders Speak. Stories of the Siberian Yupik Eskimo, 1975-1990. Moscow: Russian Hertiage Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor and Narinskaya, Natalya, editors. 1998. Zhivoi Yamal/Living Yamal. Moscow: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution and Yamal-Nenets Regional Museum.
- Freeman, Milton M. R., Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila, Caulfield, Richard, Egede, Ingmar, Krupnik, Igor, and Sevenson, Marc. 1998. Inuit, Whaling, and Sustainability. Walnut Creek, California: Altamira Press.
- Krupnik, Igor and Narinskaya, Natalya. 1998. Living Yamal. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center.
- Chaussonnet, Valérie. 1996. Perekrestki kontinentov. Kul'tury korennykh narodov Dalnego Vostoka i Alaski (Crossroads of Continents. Cultures of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Far East and Alaska, Krupnik, Igor, editor. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution and Russian Heritage Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1993. Arctic Adaptations. Native Whalers and Reindeer Herders of Northern Eurasia. Hanover and London: University Press of New England.
Book Chapter
- Eicken, Hajo, Krupnik, Igor, Weyapuk, Winton, Jr., and Druckenmiller, Matthew. 2022. "Learning about Sea Ice from the Kingikmiut: A Decade of Ice Seasons at Wales, Alaska, 2006-2016." In Resilience through Knowledge Co-Production. Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Global Environmental Change. Roue, Marie, Nakashima, Douglas, and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 43–66. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO. (,
- Krupnik, Igor. 2022. "Preface." In Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 1, Introduction. Krupnik, Igor, editor. xi–xv. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2022. "Indigenous Ice Dictionaries: Sharing Knowledge for a Changing World." In Resilience Through Knowledge Co-Production. Indigenous Knowledge, Science and Global Environmental Change. Roue, Marie, Nakashima, Douglas, and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 93–116. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. (,
- Krupnik, Igor. 2022. "Negotiating Co-production: Climbing the Learning Curve." In Resilience through Knowledge Co-Production. Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Global Environmental Change. Roue, Marie, Nakashima, Douglas, and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 277–286. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO. (,
- Krupnik, Igor I. 2022. "Antecedents of the Smithsonian Handbook Project: 1800-1965." In Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 1: Introduction. Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 10–30. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Handbook of North American Indians, 1. (,
- Krupnik, Igor I. 2022. "Introduction: A Gateway to the Handbook Series." In Handbook of North American Indians Volume 1: Introduction. Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 1–9. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Handbook of North American Indians, 1.
- Link, Adrianna and Krupnik, Igor I. 2022. "The Beginnings, 1965-1971." In Handbook of North American Indians, Introduction. Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 500–515. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Handbook of North American Indians, 1.
- Redsteer, Margaret Hiza, Krupnik, Igor I., and Maldonado, Julie Koppel. 2022. "Native American Communities and Climate Change." In Handbook of North American Indians, Introduction. Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 247–264. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Handbook of North American Indians, 1.
- Scherer, Joanna Cohan and Krupnik, Igor. 2022. "Appendix 1, Timeline." In Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 1, Introduction. Krupnik, Igor, editor. 595–609. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2020. "Pacific Walrus, People, and Sea Ice: Relations ar Subpopulation Scale, 1825-2015." In Arctic Crashes: People and Animals in the Changing North. Krupnik, Igor and Crowell, Aron L., editors. 351–374. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2020. "Studying "Arctic Crashes": Human-Animal Relations in a Time of Rapid Change." In Arctic Crashes: People and Animals in the Changing North. Krupnik, Igor and Crowell, Aron L., editors. 3–21. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2019. "At the Frontline or Very Close Living with Climate Change on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, 1999–2017." In Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World. Feola, Giuseppe, Geoghegan, Hilary, and Arnall, Alex, editors. 168–189. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (
- Krupnik, Igor, Rubis, Jennifer, and Nakashima, Douglas. 2018. "Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation: Epilogue." In Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation. Nakashima, Douglas, Krupnik, Igor, and Rubis, Jennifer, editors. 280–290. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press and UNESCO Publishing. In Local and Indigenous Knowledge - UNESCO, 2. (,
- Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila and Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "The Changing Cultural Scapes of Sea Mammal Hunters of the Bering Strait Area: 1970s-2000s." In In the Heritage Focus (V Fokuse naslediia) - in Russian. Kuleshova, Marina E., editor. 359–381. Moscow: Institute of Geography.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "Arctic/Siberian/Sakha Collections at the Smithsonian Institution." In Siberian Collections in the U.S. Museums. Ivanova, Zinaida, editor. 404–421. Yakutsk.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "The Culture Will Protect the Nature: Along the Trails of Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya." In Those Who Face the Sea: In Memory of Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya (in Russian). Krupnik, Igor, editor. 11–36. Moscow: August Borg.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "Living on a Changing Planet: Why Indigenous Voices Matter." In Living in the Anthropocene: Earth in the Age of Humans. Kress, W. John and Stine, Jeffrey K., editors. 78–82. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "How We Practiced History and Ethnology: To the 35th Anniversary of the Jewish Historical and Ethnographic Commission, 1981–1990." In Soviet Judaica: History, Topics, and Personalities. Kupovetsky, Mark, editor. 286–360. Moscow: Mosty kul'tury.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2017. "Waldemar Bogoras and The Chukchee: A Maestro and a Classical Ethnography." In The Chukchee. Bogoras, Waldemar, Duerr, Michael, and Kasten, Erich, editors. 9–45. Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
- Krupnik, Igor and Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila S. 2017. ""Our Ice, Snow and Winds": From Knowledge Integration to Co-Production in the Russian SIKU Project, 2007-2013." In Oral History meets Linguistics. Kasten, Erich, Roller, Katja, and Wilbur, Joshua, editors. 31–48. Furstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
- Chlenov, Michael and Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "Naukan: Chapters to Community History (in Russian)." In Saveguard and Ensure: Cultural Heritage of Chukotka: Prospects in Protection and Conservation (in Russian). Bronshtein, Mikhail, editor. 38–73. Moscow: Museum of Oriental Arts.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "Closing the (Arctic) Circle: Ernest S. Burch and the "Peoples of the Arctic" Map." In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s. Krupnik, Igor, editor. 374–409. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "From Boas to Burch: Eskimology Transitions." In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s. Krupnik, Igor, editor. 1–32. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "One Field Season and 50-Year Career: Franz Boas and Early Eskimology." In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s. Krupnik, Igor, editor. 73–83. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "Editor's Preface." In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s. Krupnik, Igor, editor. xv–xviii. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2016. "On Birds, People, and Indigenous Knowledge (in Russian)." In Those Who Face the Sea: In Memory of Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya (in Russian). Krupnik, Igor, editor. 120–149. Moscow: August Borg.
- Krupnik, Igor and Chlenov, Michael. 2016. "A "New Land": History of the formation of the Uwellkal Yupik Eskimo Community." In Those Who Face the Sea: In Memory of Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya (in Russian). Krupnik, Igor, editor. 396–421. Moscow: August Borg.
- Ray, G. C., Hufford, Gary L., Loughlin, Thomas R., and Krupnik, Igor. 2014. "Bering Sea seals and walruses: responses to environmental change." In Marine conservation science, policy and management. 1st ed. 171–198.
- Krupnik, Igor and Alpyrgin, Bogoslovskaya L. 2013. "Naukanski Sea Ice Dictionary: Reconstructing a Cultural Ice-Scape (in Russian)." In Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Proceedings of the Institute of Linguistic Studies. Vakhtin, N. and Perekhvalskaya, E., editors. 166–188. St. Petersburg: Institute of Linguistic Studies.
- Chlenov, Michael and Krupnik, Igor. 2012. "Novaia zemlia: istoriia poslednei migratsii aziatskikh eskimosov (1920–1935) [The "New Land": To the History of the Last Migration of the Yupik/Asiatic Eskimo, 1920–1935]." In Vekhi na mysakh (Milestones on the Capes). Festschrift in honor of Sergei A. Arutyunov. Bronshtein, Michael and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 70–83. Moscow, Russia: Museum of Oriental Arts.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2012. "Reading Tiger Burch: From Skeptic to Believer." In Caribou Herds of Northwest Alaska: 1850-2000. Burch, Ernest S., Jr. and Krupnik, Igor, editors. xi–xiv. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
- Allison, Ian and Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "Organization and Implementation of IPY: 2005-2009." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerheyes, Colin, editors. 87–114. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Hovelsrud, Grete, Krupnik, Igor, and White, Jeremy. 2011. "Human-Based Observing Systems." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerheyes, Colin, editors. 435–456. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "From IPY-1 to IGY: Early Lessons in Making Global Science." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, I., Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, V., Sarukhanian, E., and Summerhayes, C., editors. 5–28. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "How IPY 2007-2008 Was Born: 1997-2003." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerheyes, Colin, editors. 29–48. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "IPY 2007-2008 and Social Sciences: A Challenge of Fifty Years." In Arctic Social Sciences - Prospects for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Era and Beyound. Poppel, B. and Csonka, Y., editors. 61–93. Nuuk: Ilimatusarfik - University of Greenland.
- Krupnik, Igor, Ellis-Evans, Cynan, and Elfring, Chris. 2011. "Early Planning for IPY: 2003-2004." In Understanding earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerheyes, Colin, editors. 49–68. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor and Hoveslrud, Grete. 2011. "Polar Societies and Social Processes." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: Internationa Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerheyes, Colin, editors. 311–334. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Summerhayes, Colin, Rachold, Volker, and Krupnik, Igor. 2011. "IPY and Expending Partnership in Coordination of Polar Research." In Understanding Earth's Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008. Krupnik, Igor, Allison, Ian, Bell, R., Cutler, P., Hik, D., Lopez-Martinez, J., Rachold, Volker, Sarukhanian, E., and Summerhayes, Colin, editors. 593–608. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2010. "How Many Eskimo Words for Ice (New Studies on Eskimo Ice terminologies during International Polar Year 2007-2008." In Studia Anthropologica: A Festschrift in Honour to Michail Chlenov. Fedorchuk, Artem and Chlenova, Svetlana, editors. 409–443. Moscow: Gesharim.
- Krupnik, Igor, Apangalook, Leonard, and Apangalook, Paul. 2010. ""It's Cold, but Not Cold Enough": Observing Ice and Climate Change in Gambell, Alaska, in IPY 2007–2008 and Beyond." In SIKU: knowing our ice : documenting Inuit sea ice knowledge and use. Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, Gearheard, Shari, Laidler, Gita J., and Holm, Lene Kielsen, editors. 81–114. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, and Laidler, Gita J. 2010. "SIKU: International Polar Year Project #166 (An Overview)." In SIKU: knowing our ice : documenting Inuit sea ice knowledge and use. Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, Gearheard, Shari, Laidler, Gita J., and Holm, Lene Kielsen, editors. 1–29. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Krupnik, Igor and Müller-Wille, Ludger. 2010. "Franz Boas and Inuktitut Terminology for Ice and Snow: From the Emergence of the Field to the "Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax"." In SIKU: knowing our ice : documenting Inuit sea ice knowledge and use. Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, Gearheard, Shari, Laidler, Gita J., and Holm, Lene Kielsen, editors. 377–400. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Krupnik, Igor and Weyapuk, Winton, Jr. 2010. "Qanuq Ilitaavut:"How We Learned What We Know" (Wales Inupiaq Sea Ice Dictionary)." In SIKU : knowing our ice : documenting Inuit sea ice knowledge and use. Krupnik, Igor, Aporta, Claudio, Gearheard, Shari, Laidler, Gita J., and Holm, Lene Kielsen, editors. 321–354. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2009. ""The Way We See It Coming": Building the Legacy of Indigenous Observations in IPY 2007–2008." In Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to International Polar Year Science. Krupnik, Igor, Lang, Michael A., and Miller, Scott E., editors. 129–142. In IPY.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2009. "From Jesup-1 to Jesup-2: The Centennial Decade (1902-2002) Revisited." In "The Raven Arch" (1903-2002). The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Revisited. Tanimoto, Kazounobu and Inoue, Koichi, editors. 1–28. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. In Senri Ethnological Reports 82.
- Krupnik, Igor and Chlenov, Mikhail. 2009. "Distant Lands and Brave Pioneers: Original Thule Migration Revisited." In On the Track of the Thule Culture from Bering Strait to East Greenland. Gronnow, Bjarne, editor. 13–24. Copenhagen: Danish National Museum.
- Krupnik, Igor and Vakhtin, Nikolai. 2009. "Remebering and Forgetting. Culture Change and Indigenous Knowledge in Chukotka in the post-Jesup Era (in Japanese)." In "The Raven Arch" (1903-2002). The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Revisited. Tanimoto, Kazounobu and Inoue, Koichi, editors. 209–232. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. In Senri Ethnological Report, 82.
- Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila S. and Krupnik, Igor. 2008. "Traditional Sea Mammal Hunting in Chukotka: Generational Replacement at the Turn of the Century." In Tropoyu Bogoraza/Along the Path of Bogoras (in Russian). Bogoslovskaya, L. S., Krivoshchekov, V., and Krupnik, Igor I., editors. 166–174. Moscow: Russian Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2008. "Waldemar Bogoras, His Time and His Disciples." In Tropoyu Bogoraza/ Along the Path of Bogoras (in Russian). Bogoslovskaya, Ludmila S., Krivoshchekov, V., and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 17–22. Moscow: Russian Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage.
- Krupnik, Igor and Bogoslovskaya, Lyudmila S. 2008. "International Polar Year 2007-2008: The SIKU Project in Alaska and Chukotka." In Beringia - A Bridge of Friendship. 196–2004. Tomsk: Tomsk University Press.
- Virginia, R. A., Yalowitz, K. S., and Krupnik, Igor. 2007. "Introduction: Perceptions of Arctic Climate Change." In Thin Ice: Inuit Traditions within a Changing Environment. Stuckenberger, N., editor. 12–15. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2006. "Classification of Siberian Nomadism: Traditional Patterns and Modern Transformation (in Japanese)." In Kanhoku taiheyo no kankyo to bunka (Peoples and Cultures of the North Pacific Rim). Okada, J., editor. 88–104. Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples.
- Vukvukai, N., Itevtegina, V., Krupnik, Igor, and Mathé, B. 2006. "Faces of Chukotka: Waldemar Bogoras Historical Photographs, 1900-1901, as Beringia Heritage Resource." In Beringiia Most druzhby/ Beringia Bridge of Friendship. Nikolaev, L. A., editor. 250–267. Office of Culture, Administration of the Chukchi Region.
- Goddard, Ives and Krupnik, Igor. 2005. "Indigenous Peoples of the North Pacific, c. 1880. Text and map." In Atlas of Pacific Salmon. The First Map-Based Status Assessment of Salmon in the North Pacific. Xanthippe, Augerot and Dana, Foley, editors. 18–19. University of California Press.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2005. "Veränderte Voraussetzungen, bleibende Parterschaften. Akademische Forschung und indgenes Wissen in der arktischen Kulturwissenschaftrger." In Bruchlinien im Eis. Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Nordens. Bauer, S., Ehrenfried, A., and Hirnsperger, M., editors. 221–244. Lit Verlag.
- Krupnik, Igor and Fitzhugh, William W. 2005. "Foreword." In Taymyr: The Archaeology of Northernmost Eurasia. Leonid, P. Khlobystin, editor. xiii–xixv. Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology, 5.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2004. "The Whole Story of Our Land. Ethnographic Landscape in Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska ar Anthropology 6. 2004. Washington, DC: Arctic Studies Center." In Northern Ethnographic Landscapes: Perspectives from Circumpolar Nations. Krupnik, Igor, Mason, R., and Horton, T. W., editors. 203–227. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology, vol.6, Arctic Studies Center.
- Kendall, Laurel and Krupnik, Igor. 2003. "Introduction." In Constructing Cultures Then and Now. Celebrating Franz Boas and the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Kendall, Laurel and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 1–11. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology, 4. Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2003. "(1) The Subsistence Era: Early Prehistory to Euro-American Contacts (2)The Walrus in Native Marine Economies." In Coastal-Marine Conservation: Science and Policy. Ray, G. Carleton and Jerry, McCormick, editors. 181–182, 196. Blackwell Publishing.
- Krupnik, Igor and Nikolai, Vakhtin. 2003. "The Aim of the Expedition &Has in the Main Been Accomplished: Words, Deeds, and Legacies of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition." In Constructing Cultures Then and Now. Celebrating Franz Boas and the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Kendall, L. and Krupnik, Igor, editors. 15–31. Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology, 4, Arctic Studies Center.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2002. "The Surveyor of the Bridge: Interview with William S. Laughlin." In To the Aleutians and Beyound. The Anthropology of William S. Laughlin. Frohlich, Bruno, Harper, A., and Gilberg, R., editors. 207–226. Publications of the National Museum. Ethnographical Series, 20. The National Museum of Denmark.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. "People on the Land, Numbers in the Records. The Yamal Nenets Population Change, A.D. 1695 to 1992 [Lyudi v chumakh, tsifry na bumage. Russkie istichniki k demograficheskoi istorii Yamala, 1695–1992 gg.]." In Drevnosti Yamala. Golovenev, Andrey, editor. 122–151. Ekaterinburg and Salekhard.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. "Humans in the Bering Strait region: responses to environmental change and implications for the future." In Impacts of changes in sea ice and other environmental parameters in the Arctic: Final report of the Marine Mammal Commission Workshop, Girdwood, Alaska, 15-17 February 2000. 65–80. Girdwood, Alaska: Marine Mammal Commission Workshop.
- Krupnik, Igor. 2000. "Native Perspectives on Climate and Sea-Ice Changes." In Impacts of Changes in Sea Ice and Other Environmental Parameters in the Arctic. Huntington, H., editor. 34–51. Bethesda, MD: Marine Mammal Commission.
- Krupnik, Igor and Vakhtin, N. 1999. "Power, Politics, and Heritage: Undercurrent Transformations in the Post-Soviet Arctic B The Case of Chukotka." In Changes in the Circumpolar North. Culture, Ethics, and Self-Determination. Sejersen, Frank, editor. 27–42. Copenhagen: IASSA.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1998. "Understanding Reindeer Pastoralism in Modern Siberia: Ecological Continuity versus State Engineering." In Changing nomads in a changing world. 223–242.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1996. "Northern People, Southern Records: the Yamal Nenets in Russian Population Counts, 1695–1989." In Northern peoples - southern states: maintaining ethnicities in the circumpolar world. 67–92. Umeå: Centre for Regional Science Centrum för regionalvetenskaplig forskning], Univ. (CERUM), Umu tr.). In Northern studies,; Variation: Northern studies..
- Krupnik, Igor. 1996. "The Bogoras Enigma: Bounds of Culture and Formats of Anthropologists." In Grasping the changing world : anthropological concepts in the postmodern era. Hubinger, Václav, editor. 35–52.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1994. "Chuvans." In Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Friedrich, P. and Diamond, N., editors. 79–83. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co.
- Krupnik, Igor. 1994. "The Jewish Holdings in the Leningrad Ethnographic Museum." In Tracing An-Sky. Jewish Collections from the State Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg. 16–23. Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum.
Conference Proceedings
- Crowell, Aron L., Krupnik, Igor, Fitzhugh, William W., Engelstad, Bernadette, Dean, Bernadette, Harper, Kenneth, MacKenzie, Scott, Michelsen, Knud, Kleist, Mari, Griebel, Brendan, Sonne, Birgitte, Pratt, Kenneth, Shokarev, Sergei, Schwalbe, Daria, Appelt, Martin, Nielsen, Bent, Norbert, Eileen, and Bronshtein, Michael. 2021. "From Greenland to the Pacific: Centennial of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-1924." in Alaska Journal of Anthropology. 19 (1-2), iii–269. 46th Annual meeting of the Alaska Anthropological Association (Nome, Alaska) 2019-02-28. Alaska Anthropological Association.
Book Review
- Krupnik, Igor. 2006. [Book review] "Alliance and Conflict: The World System of the Inupiaq Eskimos." Journal of Anthropological Research, 62, (4), 407–409.