Charles Potter
Research AssociateDepartment / Division
- B.S. (Zoology): SUNY College of Forestry and Environmental Science, Syracuse University, 1972
Research Interests
Responsible for supervision of collection management activities relating to marine mammals, including accessions, specimen preparation, cataloging, specimen installations, curation, loans, information requests, and assisting visitors. Interests in staff supervision and collections management issues.
Journal Article
- Becker, Madeleine A., Murphy, Katherine R., Archer, Frederick I., Jefferson, Thomas A., Keith‐Diagne, Lucy W., Potter, Charles W., Urrutia‐Osorio, M. Fernanda, Ndong, Ibrahima, and McGowen, Michael R. 2024. "Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) mitochondrial genomes from Senegal reveal geographic structure across the North Atlantic but provide no support for global long‐beaked clade." Marine Mammal Science,
- Heaney, Lawrence R., Brownell, Robert L., McIntyre, Robert P., Potter, Charles W., Schlitter, Duane A., and Timm, Robert M. 2024. "Obituary: Thomas James (Mac) McIntyre (1940–2024)." Journal of mammalogy,
- Keenan, Tiffany F., Mclellan, William A., Rommel, Sentiel A., Costidis, Alexander M., Harms, Craig A., Thewissen, 'Hans' J. G. M., Rotstein, David S., Gay, Mark D., Potter, Charles W., Taylor, Alison R., Wang, Ying, and Pabst, D. Ann. 2021. "Gross and histological morphology of the cervical gill slit gland of the pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps)." Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology,
- Mansouri, Farzaneh, Winfield, Zach C., Crain, Danielle D., Morris, Brooke, Charapata, Patrick, Sabin, Richard, Potter, Charles W., Hering, Amanda S., Fulton, James, Trumble, Stephen J., and Usenko, Sascha. 2021. "Evidence of multi-decadal behavior and ecosystem-level changes revealed by reconstructed lifetime stable isotope profiles of baleen whale earplugs." Science of the Total Environment, 757 143985–143985.
- Crain, Danielle D., Thomas, Amanda, Mansouri, Farzaneh, Potter, Charles W., Usenko, Sascha, and Trumble, Stephen J. 2020. "Hormone comparison between right and left baleen whale earplugs." Conservation Physiology, 8, (1) Article coaa055.
- Mansouri, Farzaneh, Crain, Danielle D., Winfield, Zach C., Sabin, Richard, Potter, Charles W., Zhang, Ren, Trumble, Stephen J., and Usenko, Sascha. 2020. "A lipid normalization model for the analysis of stable isotopes in baleen whale earplugs." Marine Mammal Science,
- McGowen, Michael R., Murphy, Katherine R., Ndong, Ibrahima, Potter, Charles W., and Keith-Diagne, Lucy. 2020. "The complete mitochondrial genome of the critically endangered Atlantic humpback dolphin, Sousa teuszii (Kükenthal, 1892)." Mitochondrial DNA Part B. Resources, 5, (1) 257–259.
- Vu, Long, McGowen, Michael R., Potter, Charles W., Tho, Truong Anh, Hyang, Kuit Sui, Abdel-Raheem, Salma T., and Hines, Ellen. 2020. "New Records of Fraser's Dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) from the Whale Temples and Fishing Communities of Vietnam." Aquatic Mammals, 46, (4) 395–401.
- Winfield, Zach C., Mansouri, Farzaneh, Potter, Charles W., Sabin, Richard, Trumble, Stephen J., and Usenko, Sascha. 2020. "Eighty years of chemical exposure profiles of persistent organic pollutants reconstructed through baleen whale earplugs." Science of The Total Environment, 737 Article 139564.
- Keenan-Bateman, Tiffany F., Mclellan, William A., Costidis, Alex M., Harms, Craig A., Gay, D. Mark, Rotstein, David S., Rommel, Sentiel A., Potter, Charles W., and Pabst, D. Ann. 2018. "Habitat use pattern of the giant parasitic nematode Crassicauda magna within the pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps." Diseases of aquatic organisms, 127, (3) 163–175.
- Trumble, Stephen J., Norman, Stephanie A., Crain, Danielle D., Mansouri, Farzaneh, Winfield, Zach C., Sabin, Richard, Potter, Charles W., Gabriele, Christine M., and Usenko, Sascha. 2018. "Baleen whale cortisol levels reveal a physiological response to 20th century whaling." Nature Communications, 9, (4587).
- Morin, Phillip A., Baker, C. S., Brewer, Reid S., Burdin, Alexander M., Dalebout, Merel L., Dines, James P., Fedutin, Ivan, Filatova, Olga, Hoyt, Erich, Jung, Jean-Luc, Lauf, Morgane, Potter, Charles W., Richard, Gaetan, Ridgway, Michelle, Robertson, Kelly M., and Wade, Paul R. 2017. "Genetic structure of the beaked whale genus Berardius in the North Pacific, with genetic evidence for a new species." Marine Mammal Science, 33, (1) 96–111.
- Solazzo, Caroline, Fitzhugh, William W., Kaplan, Susan, Potter, Charles, and Dyer, Jolon M. 2017. "Molecular markers in keratins from Mysticeti whales for species identification of baleen in museum and archaeological collections." PLOS ONE, 12, (8) 1–24.
- Keenan-Bateman, Tiffany, Mclellan, William A., Harms, Craig A., Piscitelli, Marina A., Barco, Susan G., Thayer, Victoria G., Lovewell, Gretchen N., Clark, Karen L., Doshkov, Paul K., Rotstein, David S., Potter, Charles W., and Pabst, D. A. 2016. "Prevalence and anatomic site of Crassicauda sp. infection, and its use in species identification, in kogiid whales from the mid-Atlantic United States." Marine Mammal Science, 32, (3) 868–883.
- Arthur, Logan H., Mclellan, William A., Piscitelli, Marina A., Rommel, Sentiel A., Woodward, Becky L., Winn, Jeremy P., Potter, Charles W., and Ann Pabst, D. 2015. "Estimating maximal force output of cetaceans using axial locomotor muscle morphology." Marine Mammal Science, 31, (4) 1401–1426.
- Dalebout, Merel L., Baker, C. Scott, Steel, Debbie, Thompson, Kirsten, Robertson, Kelly M., Chivers, Susan J., Perrin, William F., Goonatilake, Manori, Anderson, R. Charles, Mead, James G., Potter, Charles W., Thompson, Lisa, Jupiter, Danielle, and Yamada, Tadasu K. 2014. "Resurrection of Mesoplodon hotaula Deraniyagala 1963: A new species of beaked whale in the tropical Indo-Pacific." Marine Mammal Science, 30, (3) 1081–1108.
- Eisert, Regina, Potter, Charles W., and Oftedal, Olav T. 2014. "Brain size in neonatal and adult Weddell seals: Costs and consequences of having a large brain." Marine Mammal Science, 30, (1) 184–205.
- Nweeia, Martin T., Eichmiller, Frederick C., Hauschka, Peter V., Donahue, Gretchen A., Orr, Jack R., Ferguson, Steven H., Watt, Cortney A., Mead, James G., Potter, Charles W., Dietz, Rune, Giuseppetti, Anthony A., Black, Sandie R., Trachtenberg, Alexander J., and Kuo, Winston P. 2014. "Sensory ability in the narwhal tooth organ system." Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 297, (4) 599–617.
- Scheel, Dirk-Martin, Slater, Graham J., Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis, Potter, Charles W., Rotstein, David, Tsangaras, Kyriakos, Greenwood, Alex, and Helgen, Kristofer M. 2014. "Biogeography and taxonomy of extinct and endangered monk seals illuminated by ancient DNA and skull morphology." ZooKeys, 409 1–33.
- Trumble, Stephen J., Robinson, Eleanor M., Berman-Kowalewski, Michelle, Potter, Charles W., and Usenko, Sascha. 2013. "Blue whale earplug reveals lifetime contaminant exposure and hormone profiles." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, (42) 16922–16926.
- West, Kristi L., Sanchez, Susan, Rotstein, David, Robertson, Kelly M., Dennison, Sophie, Levine, Gregg, Davis, Nicole, Schofield, David, Potter, Charles W., and Jensen, Brenda. 2013. "A Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) strands in Maui, Hawaii, with first case of morbillivirus in the central Pacific." Marine Mammal Science, 29, (4) 767–776.
- Nweeia, Martin T., Eichmiller, Frederick C., Hauschka, Peter V., Tyler, Ethan, Mead, James G., Potter, Charles W., Angnatsiak, David P., Richard, Pierre R., Orr, Jack R., and Black, Sandie R. 2012. "Vestigial Tooth Anatomy and Tusk Nomenclature for Monodon Monoceros." Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 295, (6) 1006–1016.
- Kuehl, Douglas, Haebler, Romona, Potter, Charles W., Lahvis, Garet, Donahue, Michael, and Regal, Ronald. 2009. "PFOS and PFOSA in bottlenose dolphins: An investigation into two unusually high mortality epizootics." Reproductive Toxicology, 27, (3-4) 421–421.
- Oremland, Mollie Sue, Allen, Bernadette M., Clapham, Phil J., Moore, Michael J., Potter, Charles W., and Mead, James G. 2009. "Mandibular fractures in short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus." Marine Mammal Science, 26, (1) 1–16.
- Mclellan, W. A., Koopman, H. N., Rommel, S. A., Read, A. J., Potter, Charles W., Nicolas, J. R., Westgate, A. J., and Pabst, D. A. 2002. "Ontogenetic allometry and body composition of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena, L.) from the western North Atlantic." Journal of zoology, 257 457–471.
- McLellan, W., Friedlander, A., Mead, James G., Potter, Charles W., and Pabst, D. A. 2002. "Analyzing 25 Years of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Strandings along the Atlantic coast of the USA: Do Historic Recods Support the Coastal Migratory Stock Hypothesis." Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 4 297–304.
- Morgan, L., Musick, J., and Potter, Charles W. 2002. "Temporal and Geographic Occurrences of Cetacean Strandings and Manatee Sightings in Virginia, with Notes on Adverse Human-cetacean Interactions, from 1983-1989." Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, 118 12–26.
- Walker, J. L., Potter, Charles W., and Macko, S. A. 1999. "The diets of modern and historic bottlenose dolphin populations reflected through stable isotopes." Marine Mammal Science, 15, (2) 335–350.
- Cox, T. M., Read, A. J., Barco, S., Evans, J., Gannon, D. P., Koopman, H. N., Mclellan, W. A., Murray, K., Nicolas, J., Pabst, D. A., Potter, Charles W., Swingle, W. M., Thayer, V. G., Touhey, K. M., and Westgate, A. J. 1998. "Documenting the bycatch of harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in coastal gillnet fisheries from stranded carcasses." Fishery Bulletin, 96, (4) 727–734.
- Hoelzel, A. R., Potter, Charles W., and Best, P. B. 1998. "Genetic differentiation between parapatric 'nearshore' and 'offshore' populations of the bottlenose dolphin." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 265, (1402) 1177–1183.
- Laerm, J., Wenzel, F., Craddock, J. E., Weinand, D., McGurk, J., Harris, M. J., Early, G. A., Mead, James G., Potter, Charles W., and Barros, N. B. 1997. "New prey species for northwestern Atlantic humpback whales." Marine Mammal Science, 13, (4) 705–711.
- Mead, James G. and Potter, Charles W. 1995. "Recognizing Two Populations off the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) of the Atlantic Coast of North America - Morphologic and Ecologic Considerations." International Marine Biology Research Institute: IBI Reports, (5) 31–44.
- Rommel, S. A., Pabst, D. A., Mclellan, W. A., Mead, James G., and Potter, Charles W. 1992. "Anatomical Evidence for a Countercurrent Heat-Exchanger Associated with Dolphin Testes." Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 232, (1) 150–156.
- Frazier, John G., Margaritoulis, D., Muldoon, K., Potter, Charles W., Rosewater, Joseph, Ruckdeschel, C., and Salas, S. 1985. "Epizoan Communities on Marine Turtles .1. Bivalve and Gastropod Mollusks." Marine Ecology-Pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli i, 6, (2) 127–140.
- Leatherwood, Stephen, Deerman, Michael W., and Potter, Charles W. 1978. "Food and reproductive status of nine Tursiops truncatus from the northeastern United States coast." Cetology, (28) 1–6.
Book Chapter
- Nweeia, Martin T., Nutarak, Cornelius, Eichmiller, Frederick C., Eidelman, Naomi, Giuseppetti, Anthony A., Quinn, Janet, Mead, James G., K'issuk, Kaviqanguak, Hauschka, Peter V., Tyler, Ethan M., Potter, Charles W., Orr, Jack R., Avike, Rasmus, Nielsen, Pavia, and Angnatsiak, David. 2009. "Considerations Of Anatomy, Morphology, Evolution, and Function for Narwhal Dentition." In Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to International Polar Year Science. Krupnik, Igor, Lang, Michael A., and Miller, Scott E., editors. 223–240. In IPY.
- Mead, James G. and Potter, Charles W. 1988. "Seldom Seen Species." In The World's Whales -- A Closer Look. 103–109. Monterey, California: American Cetacean Society, Third Biennial Conference and Symposium.
- Potter, Charles W. 1984. "Marine Mammals of Maryland." In Threatened and Endangered Plants and Animals of Maryland. Norden, A. W., Forester, D. C., and Fenwick, G. H., editors. 442–453.