Carla Dove
Program Manager, Feather Identification LabDepartment / Division
- Ph.D., George Mason University (1998)
- MSc., George Mason University (1994)
- BS., University of Montana (1986)
- A.A.S, Lord Fairfax Community College (1983)
Research Interests
Specialized research in the microscopic identification of feathers. Current research involves establishing techniques in this newly developing field within Ornithology, which applies forensic methodologies to determine species of birds from fragmentary evidence using microscopy, whole feather comparisons with museum specimens and DNA 'barcoding'. The most important application of this research is to the field of aviation safety and determining identifications of birds that are ingested into aircraft engines (birdstrikes).
Journal Article
- Cucina, Annamaria, Schmidt, Anne Lisbeth, Di Gianvincenzo, Fabiana, Mackie, Meaghan, Dove, Carla J., Jakobsen, Aviâja Rosing, Grønnow, Bjarne, Appelt, Martin, and Cappellini, Enrico. 2024. "Paleoproteomic identification of the species used in fourteenth century gut-skin garments from the archaeological site of Nuulliit, Greenland." Scientific Reports, 14, (1).
- Dove, Carla J., Whatton, James F., Milensky, Christopher M., Boss, Will, Rayaleh, Houssein, and Awaleh, Djama G. 2024. "Notable records and observations of four passerines in Djibouti, 2020." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 144, (1).
- Coddington, Charles P. J., Dove, Carla J., and Luther, David A. 2022. "Microscopic Analysis of the Plumulaceous Feather Characteristics of Cathartiformes and Accipitriformes In North America." Journal of Raptor Research, 56, (1) 75–88.
- Barve, Sahas, Ramesh, Vijay, Dotterer, Toni M., and Dove, Carla J. 2021. "Elevation and body size drive convergent variation in thermo-insulative feather structure of Himalayan birds." Ecography,
- Schuman, Melinda J., Snyder, Susan L., Smoak, Copley H., and Dove, Carla J. 2021. "Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) and Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) found in diet of the non-native Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) in Florida." Southeastern Naturalist, 20, (4) N115–N118.
- Dove, Carla J., Whatton, James F., Saucier, Jacob R., Schmidt, Brian K., Gotte, Steve W., Klope, Matthew W., and Rayaleh, Houssein A. 2020. "Avian surveys near Camp Lemonnier and Day Forest, Djibouti, Africa." Check List, 16, (4) 1067–1084.
- Kirkinen, Tuija, Riikonen, Jaana, Dove, Carla J., and Ruohonen, Juha. 2020. "The identification and use of fur and feathers excavated from the late iron age and early medieval (12th-13th) centuries) Ravattula Ristimaki Cemetery in Kaarina, Southwest Finland." Fennoscandia archaeologica, XXXVII 45–59.
- Luttrell, Sarah A. M., Drovetski, Sergei, Dahlan, Nor Faridah, Eubanks, Damani, and Dove, Carla J. 2020. "ND2 as an Additional Genetic Marker to Improve Identification of Diving Ducks Involved in Bird Strikes." Human-Wildlife Interactions, 14, (3) 365–375.
- Dove, Carla J., Milensky, C., Llactahuaman, S., and Thrasher, B. H. 2017. "Two Harpy Eagles Harpia harpyja at high elevation in Peru." Cotinga, 40 98–100.
- Dove, Carla J., Saucier, Jacob R., Whatton, James F., Schmidt, B., and Roble, H. R. 2017. "First record of River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis and additional records for Plain Nightjar Caprimulgus inornatus and Lesser Masked Weaver Ploceus intermedius in Djibouti." Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 137, (1) 67–70.
- Boback, Scott, Snow, Ray, Hsu, Teresa, Peurach, Suzanne C., Dove, Carla, and Reed, Robert N. 2016. "Supersize me: remains of three white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in an invasive Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) in Florida." BioInvasions Records: International Journal of Field Research on Biological Invasions, 5, (4) 197–203.
- Chang, Brian, Croson, Matthew, Straker, Lorian, Gart, Sean, Dove, Carla, Gerwin, John, and Jung, Sunghwan. 2016. "How seabirds plunge-dive without injuries." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, (43) 12006–12011.
- Dove, Carla J. and Wickler, Stephen. 2016. "Identification of Bird Species Used to Make a Viking Age Feather Pillow." Arctic, 69, (1) 29–36.
- Heller, Erin L., Kerr, Kevin C. R., Dahlan, Nor F., Dove, Carla J., and Walters, Eric L. 2016. "Overcoming challenges to morphological and molecular identification of Empidonax flycatchers: a case study with a Dusky Flycatcher." Journal of Field Ornithology, 87, (1) 96–103.
- Mazzotti, Frank J., Rochford, Mike, Vinci, Joy, Jeffery, Brian M., Eckles, Jennifer Ketterlin, Dove, Carla, and Sommers, Kristen P. 2016. "Implications of the 2013 Python Challenge® for Ecology and Management of Python molorus bivittatus (Burmese Python) in Florida." Southeastern Naturalist, (15) 63–74.
- Sonsthagen, Sarah A., Wilson, Robert E., Chesser, R. Terry, Pons, Jean-Marc, Crochet, Pierre-Andre, Driskell, Amy C., and Dove, Carla J. 2016. "Recurrent hybridization and recent origin obscure phylogenetic relationships within the 'white-headed' gull (Larus sp.) complex." Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 103 41–54.
- Dove, Carla J. and Coddington, Charles P. J. 2015. "Forensic Techniques Identify the First Record of Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) Feeding on a Razorbill (Alca torda)." Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 127, (3) 503–506.
- Hubbard, John P. and Dove, Carla J. 2014. "A proposed emendation of the Gray Flycatcher's type locality and formal designation of its lectotype." Occasional Papers of the Museum of Southwestern Biology, 11 1–7.
- Pons, J. M., Sonsthagen, S., Dove, Carla J., and Crochet, P. A. 2014. "Extensive mitochondrial introgression in North American Great Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus) from the American Herring Gull (Larus smithsonianus) with little nuclear DNA impact." Heredity, 112, (3) 226–239.
- Thomas, Daniel B., Nascimbene, Paul C., Dove, Carla J., Grimaldi, David A., and James, Helen F. 2014. "Seeking carotenoid pigments in amber-preserved fossil feathers." Scientific Reports, 4.
- Dove, Carla J., Dahlan, Nor F., and Drovetski, Sergei V. 2013. "MtDNA ND2 sequence identifies Streaked Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata) from birdstrike to US Air Force F-15 at Portland International Airport, Oregon." Conservation Genetics Resources, 5, (2).
- Kerr, Kevin C. R. and Dove, Carla J. 2013. "Delimiting shades of gray: phylogeography of the Northern Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis." Ecology and Evolution, 3, (7) 1915–1930.
- Whatton, James F., Dove, Carla J., and Greenwood, Robert. 2013. "Birdstrike in Georgia documents mixed-species flock of nocturnal migrating vertebrates." The Oriole, 78, (1-4) 1–5.
- Dove, Carla J., Reed, Robert N., and Snow, Ray W. 2012. "Consumption of Bird Eggs by Invasive Burmese Pythons in Florida." Reptiles & Amphibians: Conservation and Natural History, 19, (1) 64–66.
- Dove, Carla J. and Straker, Lorian C. 2012. "Comment on "A Diverse Assemblage of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur and Bird Feathers from Canadian Amber"." Science, 335, (6070) 796.
- Sonsthagen, Sarah, Chesser, R. Terry, Bell, Douglas, and Dove, Carla J. 2012. "Hybridization among Arctic white-headed gulls (Larus spp.) obscures the genetic legacy of the Pleistocene." Ecology and Evolution, 2, (6) 1278–1295.
- Dove, Carla J. and Olson, Storrs L. 2011. "Fossil Feathers from the Hawaiian Flightless Ibis (Apteribis sp.): Plumage Coloration and Systematics of a Prehistorically Extinct Bird." Journal of Paleontology, 85, (5) 892–897.
- Dove, Carla J., Snow, R., Rochford, M., and Mazzotti, F. 2011. "Birds consumed by the invasive Burmese Python Python molurus bivittatus in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA." Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 123, (1) 126–131.
- Dove, Carla J. 2010. "Microscopy of Feathers: A Practical Guide for Forensic Feather Identification." Journal of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners, 1, (1) 15–17.
- Dove, Carla J., Dahlan, Nor Faridah, Heacker, Marcy A., and Whatton, James F. 2010. "Using Whatman FTA cards to collect DNA for bird-strike identifications." Human-Wildlife Interactions, 5, (2) 218–223.
- Dove, Carla J. and Milensky, Christopher M. 2010. "Black Vulture Nest in Pendleton County, West Virginia." The Redstart, 77, (4) 136–139.
- Dove, Carla J., Dahlan, Nor Faridah, and Heacker, Marcy. 2009. "Forensic bird-strike identification techniques used in an accident investigation at Wiley Post Airport, Oklahoma, 2008." Human-Wildlife Conflicts, 3, (2) 179–185.
- Maderson, Paul F. A., Hillenius, Willem J., Hiller, Uwe, and Dove, Carla J. 2009. "Towards a comprehensive model of feather regeneration." Journal of Morphology, 270, (10) 1166–1208.
- Marra, Peter P., Dove, Carla J., and Dolbeer, Richard. 2009. "Birdstrikes: a reply to Swift et al." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, (8) 407–408.
- Marra, Peter P., Dove, Carla J., Dolbeer, Richard, Dahlan, N. F., Heacker, M., Whatton, James F., Diggs, N. E., France, Christine A. M., and Henkes, G. A. 2009. "Migratory Canada geese cause crash of US Airways Flight 1549." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7, (6) 297–301.
- Peurach, Suzanne, Dove, Carla J., and Stepko, Laura. 2009. "A decade of U.S. Air Force bat strikes." Human-Wildlife Conflicts, 3, (2) 199–207.
- Dove, Carla J., Clapp, Roger B., and Willis, C. 2008. "First Specimen record of Great White Heron In Virginia." Banisteria: a journal devoted to the natural history of Virginia, 30 35–36.
- Dove, Carla J. and Goodroe, Court. 2008. "Marbled Godwit collides with aircraft at 3,700 m." Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 120, (4) 914–915.
- Dove, Carla J., Rotzel, Nancy C., Heacker, Marcy, and Weigt, Lee A. 2008. "Using DNA Barcodes to Identify Birds Involved in Birdstrikes." Journal of Wildlife Management, 72, (5) 1231–1236.
- Dove, Carla J. 2007. "Birdstrike." International Civil Aviation Organizations, (5) 18–21.
- Dove, Carla J. and Agreda, A. 2007. "Differences in plumulaceous feather characters of dabbling and diving ducks." The Condor, 109, (1) 192–199.[192:DIPFCO]2.0.CO;2.
- Dove, Carla J., Arijke, A. M., Wang, X., and Andrews, L. S. 2007. "Infrared analysis of contour feathers. The conservation of body heat radiation in birds." Journal of thermal biology, 32, (1) 42–46.
- Ishtiaq, F., Gering, E., Rappole, John H., Rahmani, A. R., Jhala, Yadvendradev, Dove, Carla J., Milensky, Christopher M., Olson, Storrs L., Peirce, M. A., and Fleischer, Robert C. 2007. "Prevalence and diversity of avian haematozoan parasites in Asia: A regional survey." Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 43, (3) 382–398.
- Kerr, Kevin C., Stoeckle, M. Y., Dove, Carla J., Weigt, Lee A., Francis, C. M., and Hebert, D. N. 2007. "Comprehensive DNA barcode coverage of North American birds." Molecular Ecology Notes, 7, (4) 535–543.
- Maderson, P. F. A., Hillenius, W. J., Hiller, U., and Dove, Carla J. 2007. "The developmental significance of a neglected feather component." Journal of Morphology, 268, (12) 1101–1101.
- Fleischer, Robert C., Kirchman, J. J., Dumbacher, John P., Bevier, L., Dove, Carla J., Rotzel, Nancy C., Edwards, S. V., Lammertink, M., Miglia, K., and Moore, W. S. 2006. "Mid-Pleistocene divergence of Cuban and North American ivory-billed woodpeckers." Biology Letters, 2, (3) 466–469.
- Dove, Carla J., Hare, P. Gregory, and Heacker, Marcy. 2005. "Identification of Ancient Feather Fragments Found in Melting Alpine Ice Patches in Southern Yukon." Arctic, 58, (1) 38–43.
- Woodman, Neal, Dove, Carla J., and Peurach, Suzanne C. 2005. "A curious pellet from a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)." Northeastern Naturalist, 12, (2) 127–132.
- Dove, Carla J., Heacker, Marcy, and Adair, B. 2004. "In Memoriam: Roxie Collie Laybourne, 1910-2003." The Auk, 121, (4) 1282–1285.
- Dove, Carla J. and Heacker, Marcy. 2002. "Egyptian Nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius) in North America?" Journal of Field Ornithology, 73, (1) 60–61.
- Rogers, J. Daniel, Dove, Carla J., Heacker, Marcy, and Graves, Gary R. 2002. "Identification of Feathers in Textiles from the Craig Mound at Spiro, Oklahoma." Southeastern Archaeology, 21 245–251.
- Dove, Carla J. 2000. "A Descriptive and Phylogenetic Analysis of Plumulaceous Feather Characters in Charadriiformes." Ornithological Monographs, (51) 1–163.
- Dove, Carla J. 2000. "Feather Evidence Helps Clarify Locality of Anthropological Artifacts in the Museum of Mankind." Pacific Studies, 21, (3) 73–85.
- Dove, Carla J. 1999. "Where Do All Those Feathers Go?" Flying Safety, 55, (4) 16–18.
- Dove, Carla J. and Banks, Richard C. 1999. "A taxonomic study of crested carbcaras (Falconidae)." Wilson Bulletin, 111, (3) 330–339.
- Dove, Carla J. 1997. "Quantification of microscopic feather characters used in the identification of North American plovers." The Condor, 99, (1) 47–57.
- Dove, Carla J. 1995. "Evaluation of an Integrated Pest Management Program, Division of Birds, U.S. National Museum of Natural History." Collection Forum, 11, (1) 28–38.
- Banks, Richard C. and Dove, Carla J. 1992. "The Generic Name for Crested Caracaras (Aves, Falconidae)." Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 105, (3) 420–425.
- Rivers, Kristine and Dove, Carla J. 2023. Bird Detectives: Science Sleuths and Their Feathered Friends. North Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone.
Book Chapter
- Dove, Carla J. and Peurach, Suzanne C. 2002. "Microscopic Analysis of Feather and Hair Fragments Associated wiht Human Mummified Remains from Kagamil Island, Alaska." In To the Aleutians and Beyond - The Anthropology of William S.Laughlin.. 51–62. Dept. of Ethnography, National Museum of Denmark.
- Dove, Carla J. 1999. "Feather identification and a new electronic system for reporting US Air Force bird strikes." In 1999 Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada, First Joint annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. 1–13. Bird Strike Committee-USA/Canada.