Bill Billeck
Program Manager, Repatriation Office (retired)Department / Division
- B.A., Queens College, City University of New York
- M.S., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Ph.D., University of Missouri
Research Interests
Repatriation, North American Archaeology, Historic Archaeology, Glass Trade Bead Studies
Book Chapter
- Billeck, William T. 2022. "Ceramic Variability of Households within the Steed-Kisker Phase: Reassessment of the Ceramic Assemblage from the Steed-Kisker Site in Platte County, Missouri." In People in a Sea of Grass: Archaeology's Changing Perspective on Indigenous Plains Communities. Hill, Matthew E.,Jr. and Ritterbush, Lauren W., editors. 53–71. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
- Hollinger, R. Eric, Sieg, Lauren, Billeck, William, Swift, Jacquetta, and Snowball, Terry. 2022. "Cultural Heritage Laws and Their Impact." In Handbook of North American Indians, Introduction. Krupnik, Igor I., editor. 75–89. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Handbook of North American Indians, 1.
- Billeck, William T. 2018. "Glass and Shell Beads." In Archeological Investigations at Engineer Cantonment: Winter Quarters of the 1819-1820 Long Expedition, Eastern Nebraska. Bozell, John R., Carlson, Gayle F., and Pepperl, Robert E., editors. 172–181. Lincoln: Nebraska History. In Publications in Anthropology, 12.
- Billeck, William T. 2018. "Fort Atkinson Beads." In Archeological Investigations at Engineer Cantonment: Winter Quarters of the 1819-1820 Long Expedition, Eastern Nebraska. Bozell, John R., Carlson, Gayle F., and Pepperl, Robert E., editors. 339–350. Lincoln: Nebraska History. In Publications in Anthropology, 12.
- Billeck, William T. 2014. "Glass Trade Beads." In Archaeological and Geophysical Investigations During 2012 at Fort Clark State Historic Site, Mercer County, North Dakota. Mitchell, Mark D., editor. 75–83. Broomfield, Colorado: Paleocultural Research Group.
- Picha, Paul, Billeck, William T., and Mitchell, Mark D. 2014. "Shell Artifacts, Fulgurite, and Other Materials." In Archaeological and Geophysical Investigations During 2012 at Fort Clark State Historic Site, Mercer County, North Dakota. Mitchell, Mark D., editor. 127–136. Broomfield, Colorado: Paleocultural Research Group.
- Billeck, William T. 2010. "Glass, Shell and Metal Beads at Fort Pierre Chouteau." In The 1997-2001 Excavations at Fort Pierre Chouteau, Volume 2: Material Culture. Fosha, Michael and Haug, James K., editors. 1–100. Rapid City: South Dakota State Historical Society, Archaeological Research Center.
- Billeck, William T. 2009. "Alle Meine Verwandten." In Sitting Bull und seine Welt. Feest, Christian, editor. 32–37. Vienna, Austria: Kunsthistorisches Museum.
- Billeck, William T. 2009. "Sitting Bull und die Restitution." In Sitting Bull und seine Welt. Feest, Christian, editor. 174–176. Vienna, Austria: Kunsthistorisches Museum.
- Billeck, William T. 2007. "William Duncan Strong and the Direct Historical Approach in the Plains: The Leavenworth Site Excavations." In Plains Village Archaeology: Bison-hunting Farmers in the Central and Northern Plains. Ahler, Stanley A. and Kay, M., editors. 225–238. The University of Utah Press.
- Owsley, Douglas W., Bruwelheide, Karin S., Burgess, Laurie E., and Billeck, William T. 2007. "Human Finger and Hand Bone Necklaces from the Plains and Great Basin." In The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians. Chacon, Richard J. and Dye, David H., editors. 124–166. New York: Springer.
- Billeck, William T. 2004. "Museums and Repatriation: One Case Study." In Anthropology Explored. Selig, R. O., London, M. R., and Kaupp, P. Ann, editors. 430–436. Smithsonian Books.
Journal Article
- Billeck, William T. 2021. "A Diagnostic Early Seventeenth-Century Glass-Bead Assemblage from New Lenox, Illinois: Building a Midwestern Glass-Bead Chronological Sequence." Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, 46, (3) 255–280.
- Moltke, Ida, Korneliussen, Thorfinn Sand, Seguin-Orlando, Andaine, Moreno-Mayar, J. Victor, LaPointe, Ernie, Billeck, William T., and Willerslev, Eske. 2021. "Identifying a living great-grandson of the Lakota Sioux leader Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull)." Science Advances, 7, (44).
- Billeck, William T. and Luze, Meredith P. 2019. "A Glass Bead Sequence from South America Based on Collections from Brazil and Guyana." Beads: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers, 31 100–118.
- Jones, Travis W., Speakman, Robert J., Billeck, William T., and Hoard, Robert J. 2019. "A multi-regional obsidian database for the Eastern Plains." Plains Anthropologist, 64, (250) 143–162.
- Billeck, William T. 2017. "Flying Woman’s Cheyenne Beaded Cradleboard and Associated Bead Card from Fort Keogh, Montana." Beads: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers, 29 76–84.
- Billeck, William T. 2016. "Ethnographic and historical evidence for glass pendant function in the Plains." Plains Anthropologist, 61, (240) 410–424.
- Green, William, Billeck, William T., Swenson, Fern E., and Holley, George R. 2016. "Glass Bead Inlaid Pottery from the Northern Plains." Plains Anthropologist, 61, (240) 425–448.
- Billeck, William T., Swift, Jacquetta, Beaver, John, Hunter, Andrea, and Ferguson, T. J. 2010. "Repatriation at the Smithsonian Institution." Anthropology News, 51, (3) 25–25.
- Billeck, William T. 2009. "Istuvan Härän: Letin Ja Säärystimien Kotiuttaminen." Kajó: Lehti Amerikan Alkuperäiskansoista, 1 124–127.
- Billeck, William T. 2008. "Red-on-White Drawn or Cornelian Beads: A 19th-Century Temporal Marker for the Plains." Beads: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers, 20 49–61.
- Ousley, Stephen D., Billeck, William T., and Hollinger, R. Eric. 2005. "Federal Repatriation Legislation and the Role of Physical Anthropology in Repatriation." Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 48 2–32.
- Billeck, William T. 2003. "Repatriation at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History." AnthroNotes, 24, (1) 15–19.
- Billeck, William T. 2002. "Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation in the Great Plains of the United States." Journal of American Archaeology, 21 89–105.
- Billeck, William T. 1998. "Fluted point distribution in the Loess Hills of southwestern Iowa." The Plains Anthropologist, 43, (166) 401–409.
- Rogala, Dawn V., Wegener, Corine, Billeck, William T., and Swift, Jacquetta. 2020. Before, During, and After: U.S. Cultural Heritage Policy Support at the Smithsonian Institution [presentation]. Cultural Heritage Preservation 11th Annual Conference, August 27, 2020. Virtual.
- Jones, Travis W., Speakman, Robert J., Billeck, William T., and Hoard, Robert J. 2018. [Dataset] A multi-regional obsidian database for the Eastern Plains. Distributed by Figshare.
- Billeck, William T. and Dudar, John Christopher. 2016. Inventory and Assessment of Nineteenth Century Human Remains from the Arkansas and Little Arkansas Rivers, Kansas, Potentially Affiliated with the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, the Caddo Nation, the Osage Nation, and the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe in the Collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T. 2015. Addendum: Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects from Nunivak Island, Alaska in the National Museum of Natural History; Reassessment of Nunivak Island, Alaska, Funerary Objects in the Collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C.: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T. and Damm, Stephen. 2015. Addendum: Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains and Associated Funerary Objects from Northeast Norton Sound, Bering Straits Native Corporation, Alaska, in the National Museum of Natural History. Washington, DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T. 2012. Additional Funerary Objects from the Leavitt Site (39ST215): Addendum to Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains and Funerary Objects Potentially Affiliated with the Arikara in the National Museum o. Washington, DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T. and High, Jasmine. 2012. Reassessment of Human Remains from the Sand Creek Massacre Site Obtained by Lt. Bonsall and Assistant Surgeon Forwood in the Collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Wolff, Christopher, Billeck, William T., and Dudar, John Christopher. 2012. Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains and Funerary Objects Potentially Affiliated with the Kaigani Haida in the Collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T., Dudar, J. Christopher, and Tallmadge, Kendall. 2009. Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains from near Golden, Colorado, in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
- Billeck, William T. and Bruemmer, B. 2007. Assessment of a Lock of Hair and Leggings Attributed to Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa Sioux, in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Repatriation Office, Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History.
- Billeck, William T., Eubanks, E., Lockard, A., and Cash, P. Cash. 2005. Inventory and Assessment of Human Remains and Funerary Objects Potentially Affiliated with the Arikara in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Repatriation Office, National Museum of Natural History.
- Burgess, Laurie E. and Billeck, William T. 2004. Assessment of a Brass Patu Traded by Captain Cook in 1778 and an Anthropomorphic Stone Carving From Northeast Oregon in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Washingoton, DC: Repatriation Office.