Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Genetic Resources & Documentation
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management – Environmental Studies Program (BOEM-ESP) has been conducting intensive environmental studies on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) for more than 35 years to support information needs for managing oil and gas development on the continental shelf and slope. As a BOEM-requested expansion project, OCS marine organism genomic tissue samples will be acquired, cataloged, barcoded, and curated into the Smithsonian Institution's Biorepository.
In order to address the dynamic nature of collection/preservation methods, this page will migrate into GitHub so collaborators may offer updates to the protocols.
Gap Analysis
These downloadable Excel files provide a list of target genera that are a priority for genetic barcoding
Collection Templates
The first link is a Word document that helps explain any questions you may have about the fields used in the template. The second is to a downloadable Excel file of the template staff use to ingest field data into our collections management software.