Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Warren Wagner

Research Botanist and Curator of Botany (Onagraceae and Pacific Island Plants)
Department / Division
  • M.S., University of New Mexico
  • B.A., University of New Mexico
  • Ph.D., Washington University (St. Louis)
Research Interests

Systematics, biogeography, and patterns of evolution of various angiosperm groups, especially plant diversity of Pacific oceanic islands and the evening primrose family (Onagraceae). Morphological and molecular data are used to discover, describe, and interpret biological diversity, and create predictive classification systems, examine phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic patterns of lineages. Application of systematic and biogeographic information is used to address questions in population biology, conservation biology, and evolution.

Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • Berry, Paul A. and Wagner, Warren L. 2021. "Fuchsia." In Flora of North America north of Mexico. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, editor. 102–103. Oxford. 10 in Flora of North America north of Mexico, 10.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Hoch, Peter C. 2021. "Onagraceae." In Flora of North America: North of Mexico. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, editor. 67–69. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10 in Flora of North America: North of Mexico, 10.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Khan, N. R., Lorence, D. H., and Herbst, D. R. 2014. "Native vascular plants of the Hawaiian Islands." In Hawaiian plant life: Vegetation and flora. Gustafson, R. J., Herbst, D. R., and Rundel, P. W., editors. 255–287. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Hoch, Peter C. 2013. "Onagraceae." In Steyermark’s flora of Missouri. George Yatskievych, editor. 509–553. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Hoch, Peter C. 2013. "Onagraceae." In Flora of the Four Corners region. Heil, K., O'Kane, S. L., Reeves, L. M., and Clifford, A., editors. 659–677. St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Camissonia." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 926–927. Berkeley: University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Oenothera." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 949–954. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Eulobus." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 947. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Taraxia." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 954. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Tetrapteron." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 954. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Camissoniopsis." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 926–930. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Neoholmgrenia." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 949. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2012. "Chylismia." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 931–933. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Hoch, Peter C. 2012. "Onagraceae, family description and generic key." In The Jepson manual: Vascular plants of California. Baldwin, Bruce G., Goldman, D. H., Keil, D. J., Patterson, R., Rosatti, T. J., and Wilken, D. H., editors. 925–926. Berkely: Univeristy of California Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Hoch, P. C. 2007. "Onagraceae." In Flowering plant families of the world. Heywood, V. H., Brummitt, R. K., Culman, A., and Seberg, O., editors. 236–237.
  • Poulin, J., Sakai, A. K., Weller, S. G., and Wagner, Warren L. 2005. "Invasive species." In Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach. Kress, W. John and Krupnick, Gary A., editors. 176–184.
  • Stein, B. A. and Wagner, Warren L. 2005. "Current Plant Extinctions: Chiaroscuro in Shades of Green." In Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach. Kress, W. John and Krupnick, Gary A., editors. 54–66.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Mix, D., and Price, J. 2005. "Pacific Islands." In Plant Conservation: A Natural History Approach. Kress, W. John and Krupnick, Gary A., editors. 79–85.
  • Allan, G. J., Zimmer, Elizabeth Anne, Wagner, Warren L., and Sokoloff, D. D. 2003. "Molecular phylogenetic analysis of tribe Loteae (Fabaceae); Implications for classification and biogeography." In Advances in legume systematics, part 10, higher level systematic. Klitgaard, B. and Bruneau, A., editors. 371–393.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 2002. "Onagraceae (family description and key), Camissonia, Gaura, and Oenothera (Onagraceae)." In The Jepson Desert Manual: Vascular plants of southeastern California. Baldwin, Bruce G., editor. 384–393, 394.
  • Lorence, David H., Manning, A., Montgomery, S. L., and Wagner, Warren L. 2001. "Species Profiles." In Remains of a rainbow: Rare plants and animals of Hawai`i. Liittschwager, D. and Middleton, S., editors. 232–259.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1999. "Gaura." In Flora of Japan, Volume IIc: Angiospermae, Dicotyledoneae, Archichlamydeae (c). Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, David E., and Ohba, H., editors. 240. Kodansha Ltd.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1999. "Oenothera." In Flora of Japan, Volume IIc: Angiospermae, Dicotyledoneae, Archichlamydeae (c). Iwatsuki, K., Boufford, David E., and Ohba, H., editors. 235–240. Kodansha Ltd.
  • Sakai, A. K., Weller, S. G., Wagner, Warren L., Soltis, P. S., and Soltis, D. E. 1997. "Phylogenetic perspectives on the evolution of dioecy: Adaptive radiation in the endemic Hawaiian genera Schiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae)." In Molecular evolutions and adaptive radiation. Givinish, T. J. and Sytsma, Kenneth J., editors. 455–473.
  • Funk, Vicki Ann and Wagner, Warren L. 1995. "Biogeography of seven ancient Hawaiian plant lineages." In Hawaiian Biogeography: Evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Wagner, Warren L. and Funk, Vicki Ann, editors. 160–194.
  • Funk, Vicki Ann and Wagner, Warren L. 1995. "Biogeographic patterns in the Hawaiian Islands." In Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Wagner, Warren L. and Funk, Vicki Ann, editors. 379–419.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1995. "Onagraceae." In Flora of Ceylon. Dassanayake, et al, editor. 9.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Weller, S. G., and Sakai, A. K. 1995. "Phylogeny and biogeography in Schiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae)." In Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Wagner, Warren L. and Funk, Vicki Ann, editors. 221–258.
  • Hoch, P. C. and Wagner, Warren L. 1993. "Oenothera ." In Flora of Taiwan. 962–967.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1993. "Onagraceae (family description and key), Camissonia, Gaura, and Oenothera (Onagraceae)." In The Jepson Manual: Higher plants of California. Hickman, J. C., editor. 776–786, 798, 800.
  • Herbst, D. R. and Wagner, Warren L. 1992. "Alien plants on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands." In Alien plant invasions in native ecosystems of Hawaii: Management and research. Stone, C. P., Smith, C. W., and Tunison, J. T., editors. 189–224.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1991. "Evolution of waif floras: A comparison of the Hawaiian and Marquesan archipelagos." In The unity of evolutionary biology, the proceedings of the fourth International Congress of Systematics and Evolutionary Biology. Dudley, E. C., editor. 267–284.
  • Frame, D., Wagner, Warren L., Herbst, D. R., and Sohmer, S. H. 1989. "Hawaiian Islands." In Floristic inventory of tropical countries. Campbell, D. and Hammond, H. D., editors. 181–186.
  • Lorence, David H., Wagner, Warren L., and Herbst, D. R. 1989. "Plant taxonomy in the Hawaiian Islands." In Conservation biology in Hawai`i. Stone, C. P. and Stone, D. B., editors. 43–47.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Herbst, D. R., and Yee, R. S. 1985. "Status of the native flowering plants of the Hawaiian Islands." In Hawai`i's terrestrial ecosystems: Protection and management. Stone, C. P. and Scott, J. M., editors. 23–74.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1983. "Caryophyllaceae." In IOPB chromosome number reports LXXXI. Love, A., editor. 664. In Taxon.
  • Lorence, David H. and Wagner, Warren L. 2020. Flora of the Marquesas Islands. Volume 2: Dicots. Lawai: National Tropical Botanical Garden.
  • Lorence, David H. and Wagner, Warren L. 2019. Flora of the Marquesas Islands. Volume 1: Lycophytes, ferns, and monocots. Kalaheo: National Tropical Botanical Garden.
  • Funk, Vicki Ann, Turland, N., and Wagner, Warren L. 2012. Colloquium in Honor of John McNeill. Washington, D.C.: IAPT.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Herbst, D. R., and Sohmer, S. H. 1999. Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai`i, revised edition. University of Hawaii Press.
  • Wagner, Warren L. and Funk, Vicki Ann. 1995. Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hot spot archipelago. Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Merhoff, L. A., Sakai, A. K., Wagner, Warren L., and Herbst, D. R. 1993. Endangered species of the native Hawaiian flora: Biogeography and ecology. XV International Botanical Congress, Abstracts 64.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1993. Biogeographical patterns in Hawaiian Angiosperms. XV International Botanical, Abstracts 32.
  • Wagner, Warren L. 1990. Evolution of waif floras: a comparison of the Hawaiian and Marquesas archipelagos. ICSEB IV: fourth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology.
  • Wagner, Warren L., Herbst, D. R., and Sohmer, S. H. 1990. Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai`i. University of Hawaii Press and Bishop Museum Press.
  • Mill, S. W., Gowing, D. P., Herbst, D. R., and Wagner, Warren L. 1988. Indexed bibliography on the flowering plants of Hawai'i. University of Hawaii Press and Bishop Museum Press.
  • Stockhouse, R., Klein, W., and Wagner, Warren L. 1980. Evolution of the Oenothera caespitosa complex (Onagraceae). 2nd Int. Congr. Syst. Evol. Bio.
  • Martin, W. C. and Wagner, Warren L. 1974. Biological Survey of Kirtland Air Force Base (East). SAND--74-0393. In Atomic Energy Commission, SAND 74-0393.