Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Walter Adey

Research Botanist Emeritus
Department / Division
  • B.S., MIT; Geophysics
  • MIT/Harvard University; Graduate Work,Biology/Paleontology
  • PhD, University of Michigan; Botany
Research Interests

Biosystematics of coralline algae; algal biogeography; coral reef metabolism and its relationship to the algal community; benthic ecosystem dynamics in relation to algae; microcosm and mesocosm techniques; solar/algal methods in aquaculture and municipal/industrial water purification.

Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • Hernández-Kantún, Jazmin J., Hall-Spencer, J., Grall, J., Adey, Walter H., Rindi, F., Maggs, I. B., and Pena, V. 2016. "North Atlantic Rhodolith Beds." In Rhodolith/maerl beds: a global perspective. Riosmena-Rodriguez, Rafael, Nelson, W., and Aguirre, J., editors. New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Adey, Walter H. and Kangas, P. 2008. "Greenhouses, Microcosms and Mesocosms." In Encyclopedia of Ecology. Jorgensen, Sven Erik and Fath, Brian, editors. 1782–1796. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Kangas, P. and Adey, Walter H. 2008. "Mesocosm Management." In Encyclopedia of Ecology. Jorgensen, Sven Erik and Fath, Brian, editors. 2308–2313. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Adey, Walter H. 2006. "Lessons Learned from the Construction and Operation of Microcosms and Mesocosms." In Restoration of Coral Reef Ecosystems. Precht, W., editor. 30.
  • Adey, Walter H. 2005. "Degradation of algae in coral reefs." In Plant Conservation, a natural history approach. Krupnick, Gary A. and Kress, W. John, editors. 155–160.
  • Adey, Walter H. 2005. "Marine Plant Diversity." In Plant Conservation, a natural history approach. Krupnick, Gary A. and Kress, W. John, editors. 25–42.
  • Adey, Walter H. and Norris, James N. 2005. "Alteration of kelp communities in the northwestern North Atlantic." In Plant Conservation, a natural history approach. Krupnick, Gary A. and Kress, W. John, editors. 161–175.
  • Streb, C., Biermann, E., Lutz, Sue M., Kangas, P., and Adey, Walter H. 2003. "The energy basis of a subtropical wetland mesocosm." In Emergy Synthesis 2: theory and applications of energy methodology. Brown, M., editor. 339–347.
  • Adey, Walter H., McConnaughey, T., Small, A., and Spoon, D. 2000. "Coral Reefs: Endangered, Biodiverse, Genetic Resources." In Seas at the Millenium: An Environmental Evaluation. Charles, R. C. S., editor. 33–42.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1998. "Coral Reefs, conservation by valuation and the utilization of pharmaceutical potential." In Coral Reefs: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development. 72–75.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1995. "Controlled Ecologies." In Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology. Nierenburg, W. A., editor. 6.
  • Adey, Walter H., Craggs, R., Jensen, K., St. John, M., Green, F. B., and Oswald, W. 1995. "Phosphorus removal from wastewater using an algal turf scrubber." In Proceedings of the International Association on Water Quality, March 26. 1–11.
  • Burke, R., Macintyre, Ian G., and Adey, Walter H. 1995. "Overview of the Holocene history, architecture and structural components of Tague Bay reef and lagoon." In Terrestrial and Marine Geology of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. Hubbard, Dennis K., editor. In Special Publication (West Indies Laboratory); no. 8.
  • Adey, Walter H. and Hackney, J. 1989. "Harvest production of coral reef algal turfs." In The biology, ecology and mariculture of Mithrax spinosissimus based on cultured algal turfs. Los Angeles: Mariculture Institute.
  • Porter, K., Iglehart, J., Craig, M., and Adey, Walter H. 1989. "Mariculture Techniques for Mithrax spinosissimus including broodstock, larval and post larval rearing and growout." In The biology, ecology and mariculture of Mithrax spinosissimus based on cultured algal turfs. 75. Los Angeles: Mariculture Institute.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1987. "Marine Microcosms." In Restoration ecology: a synthetic approach to ecological research. Jordan, W., Aber, J., and Gilpin, M., editors. 342.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1986. "Coralline algae as indicators of sea levels. Chapter 11." In Manual for the collection and evaluation of sea level data. de Plassche, Van, editor. 229–280.
  • Norris, James N., Griffith, Peter C., and Adey, Walter H. 1982. "Computer assisted measurement of coral reef community metabolism: watching a rapidly changing biological environment." In Computers in Research at the Smithsonian. 22.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1979. "Crustose coralline algae as microenvironmental indicators for the Tertiary." In Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics and the Changing Environment. Boucot, A. and Gray, J., editors. 500.
  • Adey, Walter H., Rogers, C. S., and Steneck, Robert S. 1979. "[Integrated progess report]." In The South St. Croix Reef: A Study of Reef Metabolism as Related to Environmental Factors and an Assessment of Environmental Management. 95. Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands: Marine Systems Laboratory.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1977. "Shallow water Holocene bioherms of the Caribbean Sea and West Indies." In Plenary paper for: 3rd Int.Coral Reef Sym., Miami, FL. 2.
  • Adey, Walter H., Gladfelter, W., Ogden, J., and Dill, R. 1977. "Field guidebok to the reefs and reef communities of St. Croix, Virgin Islands." In In: 3rd Int.Sym of Coral Reefs, Miami Beach. 1–52.
  • Adey, Walter H., Macintyre, Ian G., and Stuckenrath, Robert, Jr. 1977. "Relict barrier reef systems off St. Croix: its implications with respect to late Cenozoic reef development in the Western Atlantic." In In: 3rd Int.Sym. on Coral Reefs Vol. 2, Miami Beach. 15–20.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1971. "Investigations on the crustose corallines of the Northeastern North Atlantic." In National Geographic Society Research Report 1965. 1–9.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1966. "The Lithophylleae." In Studies of Lithophyllum and related algal genera.. Johnson, J. H. and Adey, Walter H., editors. 71–102. In Quart.Colo.School of Mines.
  • Adey, Walter H. 1998. "Algal Turf Water Purification Method. (Phosphorous precipitation in algal cell Walls)." 5,851,398.
  • Adey, Walter H. and Purgason, R. 1998. "Animal Feedstocks Comprising Harvested Algae Turf and Method for Preparing and Using the Same." 5,715,774.