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Faust, Maria A. and Gulledge, Rose A. 2002. Identification of Harmful Algae. The Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Faust, Maria A. and Gulledge, Rose A. 2002. Identifying harmful marine dinoflagellates. Washington, DC: Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History. In Contributions from the United States National Herbarium.
Book Chapter
Faust, Maria A. and Gulledge, Rose A. 2001. "Harmful Marine Dinoflagellates." In The World Biodiversity Database on CD-ROM Series. ETI, U. of Amsterdam.
Gulledge, Rose A. and Faust, Maria A. 1998. "Dinoflagellates on CD-ROM: Multimedia dinoflagellate identification." In Harmful Algal News No. 17. Wyall, T., editor. 16–17.