Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Robert Robbins

Research Entomologist and Curator of Lepidoptera
Department / Division
  • Ph.D., Tufts University
  • B.A., Brown University
Research Interests

Systematics of Lycaenidae, evolutionary biology of butterflies, patterns of butterfly diversity.

Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • Robbins, Robert K. 2004. "Introduction to the checklist of Eumaeini (Lycaenidae)." In Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Lamas, Gerardo, editor. 24–30. Scientific Publishers.
  • Robbins, Robert K. 2004. "Tribe Eumaeini." In Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Lamas, Gerardo, editor. 118–137. Scientific Publishers.
  • Robbins, Robert K. and Duarte, Marcelo. 2004. "Description of new butterfly genera. Lycaenidae, Eumaeini." In Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Lamas, Gerardo, editor. 275–282. Scientific Publishers.
  • Robbins, Robert K. and Opler, Paul A. 1997. "Butterfly diversity and a preliminary comparison with bird and mammal diversity." In Biodiversity 2: understanding and protecting our biological resources. Reaka-Kudla, Marjorie L., Wilson, Don E., and Wilson, Edward O., editors. 69–82. Washington D. C.: Joseph Henry Press.
  • Medina, M. C., Robbins, Robert K., and Lamas, Gerardo. 1996. "Vertical Stratification of Flight by Ithomiine Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) at Pakitza, Manu National Park, Peru." In Manu: The Biodiversity of Southeastern Peru. 211–216.
  • Robbins, Robert K., Lamas, Gerardo, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik, Harvey, Donald J., and Casagrande, Mirna M. 1996. "Taxonomic composition and ecological structure of the species-rich butterfly community at Pakitza, Parque Nacional del Manu, Peru." In Manu: the biodiversity of southeastern Peru. Wilson, Don E. and Sandoval, Abelardo, editors. 217–252. Washington D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Robbins, Robert K. 1993. "The Butterfly Fauna of the Middlesex Fells Reservation." In in: Butterflies through binoculars, a field guide to butterflies in the Boston, New York, and Washington Region. 2–4.
  • Robbins, Robert K. 1993. "Preface." In in: Butterflies through binoculars, a field guide to butterflies in the Boston, New York, and Washington Region. 1.
  • Chew, F. S. and Robbins, Robert K. 1984. "Egg-laying in Butterflies." In The Biology of Butterflies. 65–79.
Book Review
  • Robbins, Robert K. 2004. [Book review] "The genus Adelpha: its systematics, biology and biogeography (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidini)." Entomological News, 114, 238.
  • Robbins, Robert K. 1987. [Book review] "A Revision of the Genus Hypochrysops C &amp R Felder, by D. P. A. Sands." Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 41, 238.