Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Jonathan Coddington

Emeritus Senior Scientist and Curator
Department / Division
  • B.A., Yale University
  • Ph.D., Harvard University
  • M.A., Harvard University
Research Interests

Systematics and behavior of spiders; species richness estimation; theory and design of biological inventories; global biodiversity genomics

Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2017. "Deinopidae." In Spiders of North America: an identification manual. Ubick, D., Paquin, P., Cushing, P. E., and Roth, V., editors. 102–103. Denver: American Arachnological Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2017. "Theridiosomatidae." In Spiders of North America: an identification manual. Ubick, D., Paquin, P., Cushing, P. E., and Roth, V., editors. 270–271. Denver: American Arachnological Society.
  • Lopardo, Lara, Coddington, Jonathan A., and Paquin, P. 2017. "Symphytognathidae." In Spiders of North America: an identification manual. Ubick, D., Paquin, P., Cushing, P. E., and Roth, V., editors. 248–249. Denver: American Arachnological Society.
  • Lopardo, Lara and Coddington, Jonathan A. 2017. "Mysmenidae." In Spiders of North America: an identification manual. Ubick, D., Paquin, P., Cushing, P. E., and Roth, V., editors. 187–188. Denver: American Arachnological Society.
  • Lopardo, Lara and Coddington, Jonathan A. 2017. "Anapidae." In Spiders of North America: an identification manual. Ubick, D., Paquin, P., Cushing, P. E., and Roth, V., editors. 73–74. Denver: American Arachnological Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A., Barker, Katharine, Droege, Gabriele, Astrin, Jonas J., Bartels, Paul, Butler, Carol R., Cantrill, David, Forest, Felix, Gemeinholzer, Birgit, Hobern, Donald, Mackenzie-Dodds, Jackie, Tuama, Éamonn Ó., Petersen, Gitte, Sanjur, Oris I., Schindel, David E., and Seberg, Ole. 2014. "GGBN: Making Genomic Collections Discoverable for Research through a Networked Community of Biodiversity Repositories." In DNA Banking for the 21st Century. Applequist, W. A. and Campbell, L. M., editors. 165–168.
  • Agnarsson, Ingi, Coddington, Jonathan A., and Kuntner, Matjaž. 2013. "Systematics: progress in the study of spider diversity and evolution." In Spider Research in the 21st Century: Trends and Perspectives. Penney, David, editor. 58–111. Siri Scientific Press.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2006. "Tick." In World Book Encyclopedia. World Book.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2006. "Centipede." In World Book Encyclopedia. World Book.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2006. "Black Widow." In World Book Encyclopedia. World Book.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2006. "Spider." In World Book Encyclopedia. World Book.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Deinopidae." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 64–65. American Arachnology Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Phylogeny and Classification of Spiders." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 18–24. American Arachnology Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Symphytognathidae." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 226–227. American Arachnology Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Theridiosomatidae." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 244–245. American Arachnology Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Anapidae." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 64–65. American Arachnology Society.
  • Lopardo, L. and Coddington, Jonathan A. 2005. "Mysmenidae." In Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual. Ubick, D., Cushing, P. E., and Paquin, P., editors. 175–177. American Arachnology Society.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A., Giribet, G., Harvey, M. S., Prendini, L., and Walter, D. E. 2004. "Arachnida." In Assembling the Tree of Life. Cracraft, J. and Donoghue, M. J., editors. 296–318. Oxford University Press.
  • Hormiga, G. and Coddington, Jonathan A. 2001. "Patrones Filogeneticos de Dimorfismo Sexual de Tamano en Las Aranas Tejedoras de Telas Orbiculares (Araneae, Orbiculariae)." In Enfoques Contimporaneos para el Studio de la Biodiversidad. 149–168.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. and Colwell, Robert K. 2000. "Arachnids." In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 1. 199–218.
  • Silva, Diana and Coddington, Jonathan A. 1996. "Spiders of Pakitza (Madre de Dios, Perú): species richness and notes on community structure." In Manu: The Biodiversity of Southeastern Peru. 253–311.
  • Bisby, F. A. and Coddington, Jonathan A. 1995. "Biodiversity from a taxonomic and evolutionary perspective." In Global Biodiversity Assessment. 27–57.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 1994. "The Roles of Homology and Convergence in Studies of Adaptation." In Phylogenetics and Ecology. 53–78.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A., Griswold, C. E., Silva, D., Peñaranda, E., and Larcher, S. F. 1991. "Designing and Testing Sampling Protocols to Estimate Biodiversity in Tropical Ecosystems." In The Unity of Evolutionary Biology: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, 2 vols. 44–60.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A., Hammond, P., Olivieri, S., Robertson, J., Sokolov, V., Stork, N., and Taylor, E. 1991. "Monitoring and Inventorying Biodiversity from Genes to Ecosystems." In From Genes to Ecosystems: a Research Agenda for Biodiversity. 83–109.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A., Larcher, S. F., and Cokendolpher, J. C. 1990. "The Systematic Status of Arachnida, Exclusive of Acari, in North America North of Mexico." In Systematics of the North American insects and arachnids: Status and needs. Kosztarab, M. and Schaefer, C. W., editors. 5–20. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 90 in Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Information Series.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 1986. "The Monophyletic Origin of the Orb Web." In Spiders: Webs, Behavior, and Evolution. 319–363.
  • Coddington, Jonathan A. 1983. "A Temporary Slide-mount Allowing Precise Manipulation of Small Structures." In Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of the Araneae. 26.
Book Review