Glenn Macpherson
Senior Scientist and Curator of MeteoritesDepartment / Division
- B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz
- Ph.D., Princeton University
Additional Resources
Research Interests
Origin of the solar system using geochemical studies of meteorites and comets; origin of the continental margin of North America using geochemical studies of ancient volcanic rocks.
Journal Article
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Beckett, J., Kita, N. T., Nagashima, K., Krot, A. N., Fournelle, J., Kööp, L., Hertwig, A. T., Rose, T. R., and Davis, A. M. 2023. "SIMS relative sensitivity factors for Al/Mg in synthetic and Madagascar hibonite." Chemical Geology, 617.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Nagashima, K., Krot, A. N., Kuehner, S. M., Irving, A. J., Ziegler, K., Mallozzi, L., Corrigan, Catherine M., and Pitt, D. 2023. "Northwest Africa 8418: The first CV4 chondrite." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58, (1) 135–157.
- Marin‐Carbonne, Johanna, McKeegan, Kevin D., Davis, Andrew M., MacPherson, Glenn J., Mendybaev, Ruslan A., and Richter, Frank M. 2023. "In situ oxygen, magnesium, and silicon isotopic compositions of the FUN inclusion Vigarano 1623‐5." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58, (4) 546–571.
- Krot, Alexander N., Nagashima, Kazuhide, MacPherson, Glenn J., and Ulyanov, Alexander A. 2022. "On the nature of oxygen-isotope heterogeneity of igneous calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in cv carbonaceous chondrites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 332 327–354.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Krot, A. N., Kita, N. T., Bullock, E. S., Nagashima, K., Ushikubo, T., and Ivanova, M. A. 2022. "The formation of Type B CAIs: Evolution from Type A CAIs." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 321 343–374.
- Bekaert, David V., Auro, Maureen, Shollenberger, Quinn R., Liu, Ming-Chang, Marschall, Horst, Burton, Kevin W., Jacobsen, Benjamin, Brennecka, Gregory A., MacPherson, Glenn J., von Mutius, Richard, Sarafian, Adam, and Nielsen, Sune G. 2021. "Fossil records of early solar irradiation and cosmolocation of the CAI factory: A reappraisal." Science Advances, 7, (40).
- Ivanova, Marina A., Mendybaev, Ruslan A., Shornikov, Sergei I., Lorenz, Cyril A., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2021. "Modeling the evaporation of CAI-like melts, and constraining the origin of CH-CB CAIs." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 296 97–116.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Krot, Alexander N., and Nagashima, Kazuhide. 2020. "Al-Mg isotopic study of spinel-rich fine-grained CAIs." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55, (11) 2519–2538.
- Andronicos, C. L., Bindi, L., Distler, V. V., Hollister, L. S., Lin, C., MacPherson, G. J., Steinhardt, P. J., and Yudovskaya, M. 2018. "Comment on "Composition and origin of holotype Al-Cu-Zn minerals in relation to quasicrystals in the Khatyrka meteorite" by M. Ivanova et al. (2017)." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 53, (11) 2430–2440.
- MacPherson, G. J., Defouilloy, C., and Kita, N. T. 2018. "High-precision Al–Mg isotopic systematics in USNM 3898 – The benchmark “ALL” for initial 87Sr/86Sr in the earliest Solar System." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 491 238–243.
- Lin, Chaney, Hollister, Lincoln S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Bindi, Luca, Ma, Chi, Andronicos, Christopher L., and Steinhardt, Paul J. 2017. "Evidence of cross-cutting and redox reaction in Khatyrka meteorite reveals metallic-Al minerals formed in outer space." Scientific Reports, 7, (1) 1637.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Bullock, Emma S., Tenner, T. J., Nakashima, D., Kita, N. T., Ivanova, M. A., Krot, A. N., Petaev, M. I., and Jacobsen, S. B. 2017. "High Precision Al-Mg Systematics of Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAIs from CV3 Chondrites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 201 65–82.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Nagashima, Kazuhide, Krot, Alexander N., Doyle, Patricia M., and Ivanova, Marina A. 2017. "53Mn-53Cr Chronology of Ca-Fe Silicates in CV3 Chondrites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 201 260–274.
- Williams, C. D., Ushikubo, T., Bullock, Emma S., Janney, P. E., Hines, R. R., Kita, N. T., Hervig, R. L., MacPherson, Glenn J., Mendybaev, R. A., Richter, F. M., and Wadhwa, M. 2017. "Thermal and chemical evolution in the early Solar System as recorded by FUN CAIs: Part I - Petrology, mineral chemistry, and isotopic composition of Allende FUN CAI CMS-1." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 201 25–48.
- Bindi, Luca, Yao, Nan, Lin, Chaney, Hollister, Lincoln S., Andronicos, Christopher L., Distler, Vadim V., Eddy, Michael P., Kostin, Alexander, Kryachko, Valery, MacPherson, Glenn J., Steinhardt, William M., Yudovskaya, Marina, and Steinhardt, Paul J. 2015. "Decagonite, Al71Ni24Fe5, a quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite." American Mineralogist, 100, (10) 2340–2343.
- Bindi, Luca, Yao, Nan, Lin, Chaney, Hollister, Lincoln S., Andronicos, Christopher L., Distler, Vadim V., Eddy, Michael P., Kostin, Alexander, Kryachko, Valery, MacPherson, Glenn J., Steinhardt, William M., Yudovskaya, Marina, and Steinhardt, Paul J. 2015. "Natural quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry." Scientific Reports, 5.
- Ivanova, Marina A., Lorenz, Cyril A., Krot, Alexander N., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2015. "A compound Ca-, Al-rich inclusion from CV3 chondrite Northwest Africa 3118: Implications for understanding processes during CAI formation." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 50, (9) 1512–1528.
- Bindi, Luca, Yao, Nan, Lin, Chaney, Hollister, Lincoln S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Poirier, Gerald R., Andronicos, Christopher L., Distler, Vadim V., Eddy, Michael P., Kostin, Alexander, Kryachko, Valery, Steinhardt, William M., and Yudovskaya, Marina. 2014. "Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite." American Mineralogist, 99, (11-12) 2433–2436.
- Hollister, Lincoln S., Bindi, Luca, Yao, Nan, Poirier, Gerald R., Andronicos, Christopher L., MacPherson, Glenn J., Lin, Chaney, Distler, Vadim V., Eddy, Michael P., Kostin, Alexander, Kryachko, Valery, Steinhardt, William M., Yudovskaya, Marina, Eiler, John M., Guan, Yunbin, Clarke, Jamil J., and Steinhardt, Paul J. 2014. "Impact-induced shock and the formation of natural quasicrystals in the early solar system." Nature Communications, 5 8.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Krot, Alexander N. 2014. "The formation of Ca-, Fe-rich silicates in reduced and oxidized CV chondrites: The roles of impact-modified porosity and permeability, and heterogeneous distribution of water ices." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49, (7) 1250–1270.
- Bullock, Emma S., Knight, Kim B., Richter, Frank M., Kita, Noriko T., Ushikubo, Takayuki, MacPherson, Glenn J., Davis, Andrew M., and Mendybaev, Ruslan A. 2013. "Mg and Si isotopic fractionation patterns in types B1 and B2 CAIs: Implications for formation under different nebular conditions." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, (8) 1440–1458.
- Kita, Noriko T., Welten, Kees C., Valley, John W., Spicuzza, Michael J., Nakashima, Daisuke, Tenner, Travis J., Ushikubo, Takayuki, MacPherson, Glenn J., Welzenbach, Linda, Heck, Philipp R., Davis, Andrew M., Meier, Matthias M. M., Wieler, Rainer, Caffee, Marc W., Laubenstein, Matthias, and Nishiizumi, Kunihiko. 2013. "Fall, classification, and exposure history of the Mifflin L5 chondrite." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, (4) 641–655.
- Kita, Noriko T., Yin, Qing-Zhu, MacPherson, Glenn J., Ushikubo, Takayuki, Jacobsen, Benjamin, Nagashima, Kazuhide, Kurahashi, Erika, Krot, Alexander N., and Jacobsen, Stein B. 2013. "26Al-26Mg isotope systematics of the first solids in the early solar system." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, (8) 1383–1400.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Andronicos, Christopher L., Bindi, Luca, Distler, Vadim V., Eddy, Michael P., Eiler, John M., Guan, Yunbin, Hollister, Lincoln S., Kostin, Alexander, Kryachko, Valery, Steinhardt, William M., Yudovskaya, Marina, and Steinhardt, Paul J. 2013. "Khatyrka, a new CV3 find from the Koryak Mountains, Eastern Russia." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, (8) 1499–1514.
- Bindi, Luca, Eiler, John M., Guan, Yunbin, Hollister, Lincoln S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Steinhardt, Paul J., and Yao, Nan. 2012. "Evidence for the extraterrestrial origin of a natural quasicrystal." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, (5) 1396–1401.
- Bullock, Emma S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Nagashima, Kazuhide, Krot, Alexander N., Petaev, Michail I., Jacobsen, Stein B., and Ulyanov, Alexander A. 2012. "Forsterite-bearing type B refractory inclusions from CV3 chondrites: From aggregates to volatilized melt droplets." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47, (12) 2128–2147.
- Ivanova, Marina A., Krot, Alexander N., Nagashima, Kazuhide, and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2012. "Compound ultrarefractory CAI-bearing inclusions from CV3 carbonaceous chondrites." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47, (12) 2107–2127.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Kita, N. T., Ushikubo, T., Bullock, Emma S., and Davis, A. M. 2012. "Well-resolved variations in the formation ages for Ca–Al-rich inclusions in the early Solar System." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331-332 43–54.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Boss, Alan. 2011. "Cosmochemical evidence for astrophysical processes during the formation of our solar system." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, (48) 19152–19158.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Thiemens, Mark H. 2011. "Cosmochemistry: Understanding the Solar System through analysis of extraterrestrial materials." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, (48) 19130–19134.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Bullock, Emma S., Janney, P. E., Kita, N. T., Ushikubo, T., Davis, A. M., Wadhwa, M., and Krot, A. N. 2010. "Early solar nebula condensates with canonical, not supracanonical, Initial Al-26/Al-27 ratios." The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 711, (2) L117–L121.
- Matzel, J. E. P., Ishii, H. A., Joswiak, D., Hutcheon, I. D., Bradley, J. P., Brownlee, D., Weber, P. K., Teslich, N., Matrajt, G., McKeegan, K. D., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2010. "Constraints on the Formation Age of Cometary Material from the NASA Stardust Mission." Science, 328, (5977) 483–486.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Mittlefehldt, David W., Lipschutz, Michael E., Clayton, Robert N., Bullock, Emma S., Ivanov, Andrei V., Mayeda, Toshiko K., and Wang, Ming-Sheng. 2009. "The Kaidun chondrite breccia: Petrology, oxygen isotopes, and trace element abundances." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, (18) 5493–5511.
- Cosarinsky, M., Leshin, L. A., MacPherson, Glenn J., Guan, Y. B., and Krot, A. N. 2008. "Chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions of accretionary rim and matrix olivine in CV chondrites: Constraints on the evolution of nebular dust." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, (7) 1887–1913.
- Graves, Gary R. 2008. "Jamaican hummingbirds ingest calcareous grit." Journal of Caribbean Ornithology, 20 56–57.
- Krot, A. N., Chaussidon, M., Yurimoto, H., Sakamoto, N., Nagashima, K., Hutcheon, I. D., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2008. "Oxygen isotopic compositions of Allende Type CCAIs: Evidence for isotopic exchange during nebular melting and asteroidal metamorphism." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, (10) 2534–2555.
- Stephan, T., Rost, D., Vicenzi, Edward P., Bullock, Emma S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Westphal, A. J., Snead, C. J., Flynn, G. J., Sandford, S. A., and Zolensky, M. E. 2008. "TOF-SIMS analysis of cometary matter in Stardust aerogel tracks." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 43, (1-2) 233–246.
- Fagan, Tim, Guan, Y., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2007. "Al-Mg isotopic evidence for episodic alteration of Ca-Al-rich inclusions from Allende." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42, (7-8) 1221–1240.
- Krot, A. N., Yurimoto, H., Hutcheon, I. D., Chaussidon, M., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Paque, J. 2007. "Remelting of refractory inclusions in the chondrule-forming regions: Evidence from chondrule-bearing type C calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from Allende." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42, (7-8) 1197–1219.
- Krot, A. N., Yurimoto, H., Hutcheon, I. D., Libourel, G., Chaussidon, M., Tissandier, L., Petaev, Michail I., MacPherson, Glenn J., Paque-Heather, J., and Wark, D. 2007. "Type C Ca, Al-rich inclusions From Allende: Evidence for multistage formation." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (17) 4332–4364.
- Tronche, E. J., Hewins, R. H., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2007. "Formation conditions of aluminum-rich chondrules." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, (13) 3361–3381.
- Brownlee, Don, Tsou, Peter, Aléon, Jerome, Alexander, Conel M. O'D, Araki, Tohru, Bajt, Sasa, Baratta, Guiseppe A., Bastien, Ron, Bland, Phil, Bleuet, Pierre, Borg, Janet, Bradley, John P., Brearley, Adrian, Brenker, F., Brennan, Sean, Bridges, John C., Browning, Nigel D., Brucato, John R., Bullock, Emma S., Burchell, Mark J., Busemann, Henner, Butterworth, Anna, Chaussidon, Marc, Cheuvront, Allan, Chi, Miaofang et al. 2006. "Comet 81P/Wild 2 Under a Microscope." Science, 314 1711–1716.
- Flynn, George J., Bleuet, Pierre, Borg, Janet, Bradley, John P., Brenker, Frank E., Brennan, Sean, Bridges, John, Brownlee, Don E., Bullock, Emma S., Burghammer, Manfred, Clark, Benton C., Dai, Zu Rong, Daghlian, Charles P., Djouadi, Zahia, Fakra, Sirine, Ferroir, Tristan, Floss, Christine, Franchi, Ian A., Gainsforth, Zack, Gallien, Jean-Paul, Gillet, Philippe, Grant, Patrick G., Graham, Giles A., Green, Simon F., Grossemy, Faustine et al. 2006. "Elemental Compositions of Comet 81P/Wild 2 Samples Collected by Stardust." Science, 314, (5806) 1731–1735.
- Guan, Y., Huss, G. R., Leshin, L. A., MacPherson, Glenn J., and McKeegan, K. D. 2006. "Oxygen isotopes and 26Al-26Mg systematics of aluminum-rich chondrules from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 41, (1) 33–47.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Phipps, S., and Giaramita, M. J. 2006. "Tectonic implications of diverse igneous blocks in Franciscan m_slange: Northern California and southwestern Oregon." American Mineralogist, 91, (10) 1509–1520.
- Aléon, J., Krot, A. N., McKeegan, K. D., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Ulyanov, A. A. 2005. "Fine-grained, spinel-rich inclusions from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka: II. Oxygen isotopic compositions." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 40 1043–1058.
- Krot, A. N., Yurimoto, H., Hutcheon, I. D., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2005. "Chronology of the early Solar System from chondrule-bearing calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions." Nature, 434 998–1001.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Huss, G. R. 2005. "Petrogenesis of Al-rich chondrules: Evidence from bulk compositions and phase equilibria." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 3099–3127.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Simon, S. B., Davis, A. M., Grossman, L., and Krot, A. N. 2005. "Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions: Major unanswered questions." Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 341 225–250.
- Krot, A. N., MacPherson, Glenn J., Ulyanov, A. A., and Petaev, Michail I. 2004. "Fine-grained, spinel-rich inclusions from the reduced CV chondrites Efremovka and Leoville: I. Mineralogy, petrology and bulk chemistry." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 39 1517–1553.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Huss, G. R., and Davis, A. M. 2003. "Extinct 10Be in Type A CAIs From CV chondrites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 3165–3179.
- Ivanova, Marina A., Petaev, Michail I., MacPherson, Glenn J., Nazarov, Michail A., Taylor, Lawrence A., and Wood, John A. 2002. "The first known natural occurrence of calcium monoaluminate, in a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion from the CH chondrite Northwest Africa 470." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 37, (10) 1337–1344.
- Guan, Y., Huss, G. R., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Wasserburg, G. J. 2000. "Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from enstatite chondrites: Indigenous or foreign?" Science, 289 1330–1333.
- Guan, Y., McKeegan, K. D., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 2000. "Oxygen isotopes in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from enstatite chondrites: New evidence for a single CAI source in the solar nebula." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181 271–277.
- Russell, Sara S., Davis, A. M., MacPherson, Glenn J., Guan, Y., and Huss, G. R. 2000. "Refractory inclusions from the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites MAC 87300 and MAC 88107." Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 35, (5) 1051–1066.
- Russell, Sara S., MacPherson, Glenn J., Leshin, L. A., and McKeegan, K. D. 2000. "160 Enrichments in Aluminum-Rich Chondrules from Ordinary Chondrites." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 184 57–74.
- Giaramita, M., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Phipps, S. P. 1998. "Petrologically diverse basalts from a fossil oceanic forearc in California: The Llanada and Black Mountain remnants of the Coast Range Ophiolite." Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110 553–571.;2"><0553:pdbfaf>;2.
- McKeegan, K. D., Leshin, L. A., Russell, Sara S., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1998. "Oxygen isotopic abundances in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from ordinary chondrites: Implications for nebular heterogeneity." Science, 280 414–418.
- Ivanov, A. V., MacPherson, Glenn J., Zolensky, M. E., Kononkova, N. N., and Migdisova, L. F. 1996. "The Kaidun meteorite: Composition and origin of inclusions in the metal of an enstatite chondrite clast." Meteoritics, 31 621–626.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Zinner, E. K., and Grossman, J. N. 1996. "Plagioclase-rich chondrules in the ungrouped E3 chondrite LEW 87234: Trace elements, and a suggestion of excess 26Mg." Meteoritics, (31) A81.
- Russell, Sara S., Huss, G. R., Wasserburg, G. J., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1996. "Plagioclase-rich inclusions from the Coolidge meteorite: A distinct CAI population with no evidence for radiogenic 26Mg." Meteoritics, (31).
- Russell, Sara S., Srinivasan, G., Huss, G. R., Wasserburg, G. J., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1996. "Evidence for Widespread 26Al in the Solar Nebula and Constraints for Nebula Timescales." Science, 273 757–762.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Davis, A. M., and Zinner, E. K. 1995. "The distribution of aluminum26 in the early Solar System - A reappraisal." Meteoritics, 30 365–386.
- Loss, R. D., Lugmair, G. W., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Davis, A. M. 1994. "Isotopically distinct reservoirs in the solar nebula: Isotope anomalies in Vigarano meteorite inclusions." The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 436 L193.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Davis, A. M. 1994. "Refractory inclusions in the prototypical CM chondrite, Mighei." Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta, 58 5599–5625.
- Caillet, C., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Zinner, E. K. 1993. "Petrologic and Al-Mg Isotopic Clues to the Accretion of Two Refractory Inclusions onto the Leoville Parent Body: One was Hot, the Other Wasn't." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57 4725–4743.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. and Davis, A. M. 1993. "A Petrologic and Ion Microprobe Study of a Vigarano Type-B Refractory Inclusion - Evolution by Multiple Stages of Alteration and Melting." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57, (1) 231–243.
- Marvin, Ursula B. and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1992. "Field and Laboratory Investigations of Antarctic Meteorites Collected by United States Expeditions, 1985-1987." Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, (30) 1–116.
- Loss, R. D., Lugmair, G. W., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Davis, A. M. 1990. "Isotope Anomalies in Vigarano CAI's --Hic et ubique." Lunar and Planetary Science, XXI 718–719.
- Mao, X. -Y, Ward, B. J., Grossman, L., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1990. "Chemical Compositions of Refractory Inclusions from the Vigarano and Leoville Carbonaceous Chondrites." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54 2121–2132.
- Sylvester, P. J., Grosman, L., and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1990. "Chemical Compositions of Leoville and Vigarano Inclusions." Lunar and Planetary Science, XXI 1231–1232.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Crozaz, G., and Lundberg, L. L. 1989. "The Evolution of a Complex Type B Allende Inclusion: An Ion Microprobe Trace Element Study." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 53 2413–2427.
- Marvin, Ursula B. and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1989. "Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984." Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, (28) 1–146.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. 1984. "A Model for Predicting the Volumes of Vesicles in Submarine Basalts." The Journal of geology, 92, (1) 73–82.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Grossman, L., Hashimoto, A., Bar-Matthews, M., and Tanaka, T. 1984. "Petrographic Studies of Refractory Inclusions from the Murchison Meteorite." Journal of Geophysical Research Supplement, 89 C299.
- MacPherson, Glenn J., Mittlefehldt, D. W., and Jones, J. J. , editors. 2008. Oxygen In The Solar System. Chantilly, VA: Mineralogical Society of America.
Book Chapter
- MacPherson, Glenn J. 2008. "Introduction." In Oxygen in the Solar System. 1–3. Chantilly, Virginia: Mineraology Society of America. In Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry; 68.
- MacPherson, Glenn J. 2003. "Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in chondritic meteorites." In Meteorites, Comets, and Planets Vol. 1 Treatise on Geochemistry. Holland, H. D. and Turekian, K. K., editors. 201–246. Elsevier-Pergamon.
- Davis, A. M. and MacPherson, Glenn J. 1996. "Thermal processing in the solar nebula: Constraints from refractory inclusions." In Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk. Hewins, R. H., Jones, R. H., and Scott, E. R. D., editors. 71–76. Cambridge University Press.
- Swindle, T. D., Davis, A. M., Hohenberg, C. M., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Nyquist, L. E. 1996. "Isotopic constraints on the timing of the formation of solids in the solar nebula." In Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk. Hewins, R. H., Jones, R. H., and Scott, E. R. D., editors. 77–86. Cambridge University Press.
Conference Proceedings
- Krot, A. N., Yurimoto, H., MacPherson, Glenn J., and Hutcheon, I. D. 2005. "Relative chronology of CAI and chondrule formation: Evidence from chondrule-bearing igneous CAIs." from
in Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI. 1482. 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (League City, Texas) March 14-18, 2005.