Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Christopher Meyer

Research Zoologist and Curator of Mollusks
Department / Division
  • M.A., University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A., Colgate University
  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Collections Areas
  • Bryozoa
    • Fluid preserved specimens
    • Dry specimens - Antarctic
  • Chordata
    • Urochordates
  • Echinodermata
  • Mollusca
    • Aplacophora
    • Monoplacophora
    • Polyplacophora
    • Scaphopoda
    • Gastropoda
      • Patellogastropoda, Vetigastropoda, Neritimorpha (marine)
      • higher Caenogastropoda
        • Naticoidea, Ficoidea, Tonnoidea, Neogastropoda
      • Cypraeoidea, Velutinoidea, Heterobranchia (marine)
Research Interests

Marine biodiversity, speciation, diversification, biogeography and phylogeography; the history, assembly and maintenance of tropical reef communities; DNA barcoding and metabarcoding; environmental DNA; data and metadata standards, phylogeny and systematics of Cypraeidae and other diverse, reef-associated groups

Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • Meyer, Christopher P. 2015. "Pluralism explains diversity in the Coral Triangle." In Ecology of fishes on coral reefs. Mora, Camilo, editor. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Deck, John, Gross, Joyce, Stones-Havas, Steven, Davies, Neil, Shapley, Rebecca, and Meyer, Christopher. 2012. "Field Information Management Systems for DNA Barcoding." In DNA Barcodes. Kress, W. John and Erickson, David L., editors. 255–267. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press. 858
  • Parker, Meaghan, Stones-Havas, Steven, Starger, Craig, and Meyer, Christopher P. 2012. "Laboratory information management systems for DNA barcoding." In DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols. 269–310. Humana Press. In Methods in molecular biology, 858.
  • Weigt, Lee A., Driskell, Amy C., Ormos, Andrea, Meyer, Christopher P., and Collins, Allen Gilbert. 2012. "Introduction to animal DNA barcoding protocols." In DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols. 11–16. In Methods in molecular biology, 858.
  • Meyer, Christopher P. 2010. "Challenges and solutions for planning and implementing large-scale biotic inventories." In Manuel of field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring. Eymann, J. C., editor. Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Development Cooperation. In ABC Taxa; 8.
  • Meyer, Christopher P. 2010. "Sampling the Marine Realm." In Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and monitoring. Eymann, J. C., editor. Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Development Cooperation. In ABC Taxa; 8.