Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Cari Corrigan

Research Geologist
Department / Division
  • Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University (2004)
  • M.S. Michigan State University (1998)
  • B.S. Michigan State University (1995)
Journal Article
Book Chapter
  • McSween H.Y., Jr, Harvey R.P., and Corrigan, Catherine M. 2015. "Meteorites from Mars, via Antarctica." In 35 Seasons of U.S. Antarctic Meteorites: A Pictorial Guide to the Collection. Righter, K., Corrigan, Catherine M., McCoy, Timothy J., and Harvey, R. P., editors. 131–144.
  • Satterwhite C.E., McBride K.M., Corrigan, Catherine M., and Welzenbach, L. C. 2015. "Curation and allocation of samples in the U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Collection." In 35 Seasons of U.S. Antarctic Meteorites: A Pictorial Guide to the Collection. Righter, K., Corrigan, Catherine M., McCoy, Timothy J., and Harvey, R. P., editors. 43–64.
  • Lentz, R. C. F., McCoy, Timothy J., Collins, L. E., Corrigan, Catherine M., Benedix, Gretchen K., Taylor, G. J., and Harvey, R. P. 2011. "Theo's Flow, Ontario, Candada: a terrestrial analog for the Martian nakhlite meteorites." In Analogs for Planetary Exploration. Garry, W. Brent and Bleacher, Jacob E., editors. 263–277. Geological Society of America. In Geological Society of America Special Paper.
  • McCoy, Timothy J., Welzenbach, Linda C., and Corrigan, Catherine M. 2009. "Antarctic Meteorites: Exploring the Solar System from the Ice." In Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to International Polar Year Science. Krupnik, Igor, Lang, Michael A., and Miller, Scott E., editors. 387–394. In IPY.