Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Bernardo Santos

Postdoctoral Fellow, Hymenoptera
Department / Division
  • Ph.D. in Comparative Biology, Richard Gilder Graduate School (American Museum of Natural History)
  • B.S. in Biology, M.Sc. in Animal Biology, Universidade Federal do EspĂ­rito Santo, Brazil
Research Interests

My research interests are centered on the evolution of one of the most diverse and ecologically important groups of organisms on Earth: the ichneumonid parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). I am particularly interested in the processes that generated the impressive diversity of life history strategies, morphological adaptations and ecological traits seen in these wasps. During my Ph.D., I have worked to elucidate these questions by combining a robust phylogenetic framework with statistical tools such as phylogenetic comparative methods and geometric morphometrics. In the process of investigating these issues, I also invest in unraveling the largely unexplored wasp biodiversity, conducting projects of revisionary systematics and describing new species.
