Follow Allen on twitter: @collins_noaasi and on Facebook
IZ department: @InvertebratesDC and on Facebook
Nov. 2020: A Beautiful Ctenophore Discovered by NOAA Described Solely Using High-Definition Video
July 2020: The Magnificent E.T. Sponge and Other Glass Sponges Get Scientific Names and Descriptions
Feb. 2020: The Stinging Snot of the Upside Down Jellyfishes: Stinging Water Mystery Solved: Jellyfish Can Sting Swimmers, Prey With ‘Mucus Grenades’
July 2020: Jellyfish Locomotion and Puppets with an "at home challenge"
May 2020: Jellyfish Live!
Dec. 2014: On the Value of Species, with a bit on Box Jellyfishes and Stalked Jellyfishes