Beryl (var. heliodor)
Chip Clark
Specimen | Catalog Number | Locality | Weight |
Beryl (var. heliodor) | NMNH G10066 | Brazil, Minas Gerais | 216.00 ct |
Gift of Mrs. Helene V. Rubin in 1996.
The mineral beryl occurs in many colors. The best known gem varieties are the deep-green emerald and the sea-blue aquamarine. However, beryl also is found in shades of pink (morganite), red, and yellow (heliodor), and in some cases is colorless (goshenite). This 216ct heliodor is from Minas Gerais, Brazil. The deeply saturated golden-yellow color of this gem is due to impurities of iron. Heliodor, or golden beryl, gets its name from two Greek words meaning "sun" and "gift."