Finding Patterns Everywhere
These items from the Objects of Wonder exhibit are either spiral shaped or contain a spiral. What can we learn from recognizing this pattern?

Recognizing patterns is part of the scientific process: by detecting regularity in a complex and seemingly chaotic universe, we can begin to understand the underlying processes that shape our world. All these spirals share the same mesmerizing curves, but formed in different ways.
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Stone Adze, "Puna"
Culture: Polynesian, probably Maori
Place and Date: New Zealand, pre-18th century
Material: Basalt
Description: The New Zealand Maori used a variety of spirals, known as koru, in their art and material culture. The motif, seen here on a woodworking tool called an adze, may derive from the silver fern’s young shoots.
Catalog Number: E178579 (view complete catalog record)
Discipline: Anthropology