Imagining the Ancient Past: Navigating Scales of Time and Space in Human Evolution
Webcasts & OnlineThursday, March 20, 2025, 11:30am – 12:30pm EDT

How do researchers use evidence to understand evolutionary processes across these different scales of time and space in the human past?
Studying the ancient past means asking questions about evolutionary processes across vast expanses of time. In evolutionary terms, what is 10,000 years? Or even 100,000 years? Additionally, it involves comparing and incorporating data from studies spanning thousands of miles, separated by landscapes that are themselves changing in dynamic ways over time.
Adam Van Arsdale, Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Anthropology Department at Wellesley College, examines these questions by looking at key fossil and archaeological sites and important questions that cover the last two million years of human evolution.
Moderator: Briana Pobiner, paleoanthropologist and educator at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.
This program is part of the ongoing HOT (Human Origins Today) Topic series and will be presented as a Zoom video webinar. A link will be emailed to all registrants.
Photo: Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan
Credit: Adam Van Arsdale
Free; Registration Required.
Online; Internet connection required
Natural History Museum